Pidge - (In)sane

249 6 2

Word Count: 6,836

Crash landings were not Pidge's forte.

Never have been.

Probably never will be.

Heck, she never even tried preparing herself for the possibility of one, she'd always assumed she'd be in control enough to find a way out of it before they ever hit the ground.

But in this moment, she sincerely wished she'd gotten at least one shot in the simulator, one lousy shot to keep that damn ship in the air, maybe- maybe then she'd be a little more prepared for this.

Just a little more prepared-

It had just been a simple supply run to a nearby moon, though it wasn't as massive as the space mall they'd visited a few months ago, it still had a vast majority of the things they needed, including some very important parts for the castle that they may never come across again. Who would go on the little space trip had been fairly easy, Shiro and Allura had their hands full trying to plan for their upcoming contact with the Blades, Keith was scarce as he normally was, and Hunk was busy occupying himself with experimenting in the kitchen.

Which left her and Lance.

To be completely fair for herself, Pidge actually wanted to go. Coran had explained with a fair amount of detail that the beings in charge of the moon were actually extremely tech-savvy, almost to the point of being able to communicate completely digitally with Galra technology without ever once stepping foot on a cruiser. She wanted to see if they had any tech that could possibly aid her in her search for Matt and her dad (they didn't have anything concrete, more like a few tips for boosting her own computer to better communicate to Galra interfaces, but she would take what she could get).

But Lance-

His excuse for coming along was more about refilling his skincare supply, turning it into a big one-sided argument on the bridge about the importance of a proper routine.

But despite the clear facts behind his words (running into him in the middle of the night with green goop spread all over his face is not the best thing to see when you're trying to wind down and sleep), Pidge had a sneaking suspicion there was a little more to it than he was letting on. Ever since her 'big' reveal of disguising herself as a boy to sneak back onto Garrison property to finish what she started, he just seemed more- careful. For the lack of better words, Lance seemed to treat her like glass now that he knew she was- well, a she.

Of course, Pidge didn't bring it up when she first noticed the change. She had plenty of other things to do besides consulting him about his sudden mood change towards her.

Like looking for her family.

And purposefully avoiding the Cuban at every turn just in case the topic ever came up.

(It was totally not because she felt uncertain of how to deal with that conversation though.)

She- she was handling it.

((Machines are easier to deal with than people.))

But she was getting off-topic.

Right- right, she needed to quit rambling and focus-

She and Lance had managed to walk out with nearly everything on the list, including a large amount of food and alien spices for Hunk, a few changes of comfortable clothing for everyone, and quite a few ancient Altean space castle parts, along with a few facial "basic essentials" as Lance had so boldly put it, from the change they had leftover after purchasing everything. It all went down without a hitch.

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