Acira - Shattered Past

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Word Count: 1,597

Life was hard.

That was a known fact for me, I could always count on that motto when I was in a tight emotional spot, or about to lose my cool yet again. Just one little reminder that life itself is the worst possible thing you could suffer through, and I could straighten up, look whoever it is that's pissing me off in the eye, and punch them in the face with no remorse.

Life was hard.

That was a known fact.

But I didn't think that this particular situation would apply to my life motto.

The wind was strong up here, thunder rolled overhead and dark clouds loomed above me. The roof was quiet, nothing but a small collection of pigeons and the small roof access shack were the only things to keep me company as I paced and paced, trying to get myself back under control as my thoughts battled over what I had seen that night.

Of who he was.

The alley had been dark, that much was obvious, but I couldn't unsee the glint in his eyes as he removed the mask hiding his face, fixing me with his crystal stare in some attempt to get me to listen to whatever excuse he had for breaking my all heart those years ago.

Something shifted into my line of vision and I stopped, turning my head ever so slightly, glancing again at the darker than normal shadow out of the corner of my eye as it moved ever so slightly.

My heart jumped to my throat, but I forced myself to keep my voice calm and steady, "Why are you here?"

At my words, the shape unfolded itself, becoming more human looking as he walked forward, and then, appearing almost out of nowhere, there he was. Mr. Bounty himself, dark mask pulled over jeweled violet eyes and his dark tight-fitting suit. His hood, as usual, thrown over his face in just the right way to send my heart fluttering in its cage, despite what had happened and I cursed at myself for being so weak.

His suit had changed since I'd last seen him, but then again, a lot had changed since we were last together; when it was just the two of us.

Before any of this had happened, I looked up to him, looked out for him, loved him. He had been one of the good guys, fighting for good alongside the rest of the group of supers merely known as Voltron. He had been known as Red before he left.

Left to be one of the bad guys after the biggest fight of their lives.

It had been a massive battle, one that almost tore the entire city apart in an attempt to finally put down the biggest threat to human existence, they defeated him, but it wasn't without one of them losing their lives in the process.

After Voltron's leader, Black, died, everything fell apart, Voltron disbanded and went their separate ways to fight their own battles.

The last time Red was sighted once more was also the same day he disappeared for good. He had been battling against a supervillain merely known as Lotor. But he was too powerful for just one super to take, everyone knew that, and the fight destroyed them both.

After that, I never saw him again, everyone thought he was dead and moved on, as for me, I thought my heart was torn in two and could never be repaired.

Two years had passed, and no one saw him, and then suddenly a new supervillain arrived, clothed in black and bearing the same powers as the long-deceased Red.


When I had seen him for the first time, I knew almost right away who it was. I had watched him for too long not to recognize him, but after seeing what he was doing, after what he had done to me, my heart mended, hardened into some unrecognizable mess, never to be untangled.

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