Keith - In My Head

400 12 8

Word Count: 6,151

I didn't want the title to fall off into '...' so, fun fact, I wanted it to originally be "What's in My Head is on My Hands" *evil smirk* now that you know that little tidbit, what do you think this shot's about? >:)

I should probably also add, if you want to know the possible trigger warnings of this shot, keep reading, skip this if you want to keep the surprise a surprise:

There's mentions and actions of suicide, if that triggers you in any way please don't read.

And for those of you who sneaked a peek or couldn't look away fast enough...



Feet skitted across the floor in ear-shattering squeaks as he fought for ground between him and that- that thing.

That mass of twirling and glitching fabric, that thing that was supposedly one of the space witch's druids (demons more like). It was swooping and diving through the air of the hall as his heart fought for residence in his throat, it's feet not even touching the ground as it sped towards him, palms gleaming with a dark magic that made Keith's skin crawl the closer and closer it grew to him.

Keith fought to swallow, fought to go faster.

Dammit, just come on.

But freeze and rewind because Keith sure as hell wasn't about to die without telling at least someone what happened to get him this whole crappy mess in the first place.

If he had anything to say about this first, it was the Blade of Marmora's fault for thinking sending a Galra half-breed to do a Galra's job was the best idea.

Once again, just like any other crappy mission in his life, it was supposed to be simple.

He'll repeat that again: simple. As in, there was no possible way he could've screwed this up.

Well, surprise surprise, he screwed up.

Big time.

What nobody told him was that there was a freaking huge chance of him running into a collection of druids that were on board, and with him happening to be the only Blade on the mission, things went downhill extremely fast.

Like, not-even-possible-to-go-downhill-that-fast kind of fast.

He was noticed within a matter of seconds stepping into the shadows of the control room, narrowly missing a blast to the head before scampering out and into the rest of the ship.

The small shuttle he'd been on quickly shot off to the base after the counter dwindled to zero and now Keith was left to running frantically down an endless mess of halls to somehow find some other way to get off this damn ship.

"You cannot run forever paladin," the things voice resembled the sound of fingernails raking across a chalkboard, and Keith risked a look over his shoulder, and fuck the thing was getting closer.

But he couldn't go any faster.

A fleeting thought crossed his mind that he may have to actually stand up and fight the druid, but the thing had magic, he wouldn't last two seconds in a fight, he already looked like the thing was hell-bent on killing him (for what reason besides trespassing on a Galra ship, he didn't know) and-

Wait- he almost stumbled as the druid's words finally sunk in, his eyes widening ever so slightly- he was in his blade uniform (with his mask on, why would he ever take it off on a mission?), how- how did it know he was a paladin? Heck, how did it even know he was human? He hadn't seen his former team in months now and he certainly hadn't been in contact with them about this mission, not to mention no one but the Blades themselves knew Keith was a hybrid and a former paladin of Voltron. So how-

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