Keith - Say It pt. 1

782 15 2

Word Count: 3,794

Well, just in case anyone thought a section of this seemed similar to another story (I have no idea if anyone's read this, but I putting this here just in case), I was reading As Color Fades Away by Icypanther on The story's set up where Lance get's captured, tortured, and returned/rescued back to team Voltron, and there was a certain scene where I suddenly had an idea to put Keith in Lance's situation (maaaybe because I like Keith in anything and almost everything I write fanfiction-wise when it comes to Voltron, but that's beside the point) I'm trying to give credit where credit is due, this isn't an idea I came up with, it already exists and if you're one of those really weird people where you like watching your favorite character pretty much get drug through hell and back (don't worry I'm one too), I hugely recommend As Color Fades Away, I almost bawled more times than I can count, but It's extremely good, you should check it out...


Keith was a hybrid, he knew that much, but he never could've thought that being a hybrid would get him killed.

Well, kidnapped with the intention to kill, if he wanted to get technical with things.

Of course, he wasn't the type to panic when it came to high-stake situation, but this situation would definitely qualify to be one of those rare times when he finds panic welling up in the pit of his stomach.

He bites harder into the gag tied tightly around his head, invading his mouth and sucking all the moisture from his tongue, his hands are bound behind his back, they've been bound like that for several days now, he's pretty sure that after everything he's been through in just the past few days alone, he wouldn't be surprised if his skin somehow healed over the cuffs.

He snorted at the thought, although his moment of a tad higher spirit is short-lived, his broken ribs throb painfully with the motion and the butt of a gun smashes into his skull exactly two seconds after causing him to stumble, and then fall to the floor with a scream he couldn't quite hold in and he moans when a sentry hits him again, his vision turning a little black around the edges.

A few minutes later, he's heaved back to his feet, by two metal hands that keep a little harder than firm grip on his arms as they practically drag his the rest of the way to their destination, which just so happened to be a place Keith knew too well already.

He almost falls back to the floor when they shove him into the waiting room, the doors swishing shut, the two sentries vanishing from sight along with his support.

But with minor/major difficulty, Keith manages to fall onto his knees, his injured one throbs like nothing else, but he knew in the back of his mind that that pain would be fading for the next hour or so. So good news, the pain from his current injuries would be masked, bad news they would be masked by the new scars he was more than likely to get with-

"Welcome, mutt."


"Haggar," he tried spitting the name out past the gag, but he doubted it came out as anything audible. His ears drew back anyway, his eyes squinting, trying to look just a little more menacing than he felt, which was nothing at all.

He felt broken, beaten, bloodied, and bruised, but he'll get to that little happy subject soon enough.

His claws dug into his palms when the witch reached out a single hand and he gasped, feeling the cold magic seep into his skin and freeze his bones. He was slowly lifted off the ground by her magic, unable to move a muscle while in her grasp, Keith watched in mute horror and dismay when his limbs splayed out, the magnetic connection of the cuffs disappearing for now while he was strapped onto the table.

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