Facing my fears

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Normal POV~

"I wonder what a good friend is like. Mother told me that they'll be the best when I find one." Heba rambled as Atem pushed the cart around every aisle.

"They will, and having a friend doesn't mean having just one, have as many as you desire," Atem explained, stopping to throw a small packet of soap bars in the cart.

"Really? But, on the internet, it said that it's better to have one?"

"No- Well- I mean, yeah, I suppose it is better to have one friend. You and them against the world, you know? Yet, it is better to have a friend group of at least five, more the better."

"Hmm, I suppose that's true. As I heard from somewhere, four is better than- Oh! Can we get that?" Atem turned his head, it was a magic tricks kit, full of childish things, but hey, his son was technically a one-year-old.

"All right, put it in the cart for your room. Now we need to get some pillows and other random stuff you'd like. Maybe a unicorn plushie?"

"Hmm...  yes! And a dinosaur one too! They're cool looking!"


"So, what did you guys- Oh my Gods, you have the whole toy section in that cart!" Yami was surprised when Atem and Heba met him in the dairy section, Heba's eyes sparkled with excitement as he fidgeted with a dinosaur plushie.

"Yeah... he wanted the whole store practically." After getting out of his shock, Yami slowly let himself smile back at Atem, even though Heba was standing there looking like he was in high school, he was still a little kid.

"Look, mother! When I pull this string it says rawr!" Heba exclaimed, pulling the string and chuckling when it said, 'Rawr!'

"That's cool, Heba. What else did you want to buy?"

"Oh! Well, I like this little piano I found! It makes beautiful noises...."


"Hey, Atem, dinner is almost ready!" Atem dropped the small screwdriver and looked at Heba who was stopped stroking the wall with azure paint.

"Well, you heard your mother, let's go before he kills us for complaining the food got cold." Heba let out a small laugh and placed the brush down.

"I suppose so, has mom ever yelled at you before?" An unnoticeable blush spread against his father's cheeks, Heba could tell by the way he avoided eye contact from embarrassment.

"Uhm, it was a long time ago. Around the times we were getting to know each other. I came home late from going out with my friends for a chat, I had no idea Yami had the bright idea of making lasagna that night, which was, and still is, one of my favorite unhealthy things to eat, and it was around one in the morning when I came home. Your mother was sitting on a chair in front of me when I opened the door, glaring daggers at me and shaking his head. I was forced to eat ramen for the rest of the week."

"Honestly, I would've been mad too. Putting all that hard work into-" A scream was heard in the kitchen and it immediately alarmed them both.

"Yami." That was the only word that was said before they slammed the door open, ready to attack. Although, it was an unexpected sight.

"I'm fine- I'm fine, I just accidentally cut my hand..." The pale man hissed, blood pooling on his hand.

"Put pressure on the wound, I'll heal you," Atem assured, allowing Yami to walk towards him.

"You seem calm," Heba noticed, observing the cut disappear in a matter of seconds.

Yami said, "Why wouldn't I be? It's just a cut, been through worse." The saying made his mother and father share a chuckle.

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