Protected become Protector

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Normal POV~

"So, what's the other reason you decided to age?" The former Pharaoh asked with a raised eyebrow. It was the next morning, and both Atem and Heba didn't sleep last night.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Heba asked, his body language obviously saying that he was lying.

"There's another reason you became older, but it seems like you're trying to hide it,"


"Tell me." Heba sighed heavily and turned his back to not stare into his father's eyes.

"Listen, not to be offensive. But how many times have you failed to save my mother? He's already died twice." The sayings made Atem's heart drop to the bottom of his stomach.

"From knowledge, you're immortal, Mother is too, yet you can still die. Although you came back, one day you'll be gone for good, and who'll protect Mother? I will. I would've if you never came back from running away when mother revealed his pregnancy to you!" The former Pharaoh's son's voice took a serious tone.

"I don't want my mother to suffer anymore, so whatever happens, anything, in any world or any dimension, I'll be the one to save him." It was a while of silence. Atem was pondering inside of his mind, thinking every life decision he remembered from his whole life time, and Heba was thinking about every word he said and biting his lip.

"Mother is weak, and he can't defend himself much. A lot of the memories I have witnessed are not much of Mother kicking ass. Don't get me wrong, he does kick ass and even more. He's just not strong-"

"Heba." Atem's voice was somehow... angry... and cold.

"Yami is stronger than any man I have ever met. He survived a fatal blow while he didn't contain any magic. He carried you inside of him for nine months and successfully gave birth to you alongside surviving. If a male somehow got pregnant, he and the child would die,"

"So, if my mother didn't..."

"Yes, Heba, you wouldn't be here. So, thank Yami for even standing here." A ring on the doorbell signaled that something arrived.

"I'll be right back," Heba nodded and sat on the chair he was previously sitting on.

"Hey, Oreo," Heba said, petting the little cat's head. Oreo meowed and rubbed his head against his hand. The former Pharaoh's son took his mother's hand and gently stroked Yami's pale hand until his mother started to twitch, he decided to tell Atem.

"Father! Mother is waking up!" The former Pharaoh immediately came into the room and towards Yami's side.

"Yami? Beloved are you awake?" The black-purple aura stopped lingering on his body and Yami's eyes snapped open.

"Wha- Whe- Atem?" Yami sat up and looked around the room confusedly. He looked at Atem first then at the powerful presence on his left, his eyes widening when he saw a teenager Heba.

"Oh my Gods, what happened? Heba, why are you a teenager. Are you okay?" Yami glanced at Atem. "Are you okay?"

"M-Mother, everyone's okay. I'll explain why I'm a teenager but I- we- need to know that you are all right."


"Oh... maybe I should say thanks," Yami said as he smiled. His shoulders ever so slightly tensed and he accepted the hug Atem gave him.

"There's something wrong... did I say something wrong?"

"What? No! You said nothing wrong. I just expected to see you grow... Don't worry, though, it's not important. I'm happy you both are okay."

"I'm happy you're okay," Atem and Heba stated in unison.

"Aww, that was adorable. Speaking in unison." The pale man laughed and stood up to stretch.

"Anyway, who wants a good breakfast?"

"I do!"


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN A ONE-YEAR-OLD THAT SUDDENLY TURNED INTO AN ADOLESCENT LITERALLY FORCED YOUR ASS TO GET BACK HERE?!?!" Owen exclaimed, John swore everyone in Hell could hear him. Even the ones who were screaming in agony.

"Yup, you explained it good all right." John finished bandaging his arm and slumped on the floor.

"Kid's strong, very strong. And it seems like you've been lying to me this whole time. I'm disappointed." The older demon brother sighed and closed his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Heba isn't your son. I mean, he doesn't even look like you. It's obvious that this offspring could kill you with a snap of his fingers."

"Okay, you wanna learn the truth, I lied. There, I said it. But you'll never understand what it means to lie for love. I love Yami, and I want him and his son to love me too. Atem doesn't deserve them."

"I'm not sure I want to help you, you see what this boy can do to me, he marked me with a bruise, who knows what he'll do to us next time."

"He won't! I've got an idea."

"And what's this brilliant idea?"

"Make Atem go insane, make him see something that'll break him."

"Now that's fuck-"

"Make Yami see a reality that'll make him come to me. As for Heba, a world where Yami and Atem don't know him."

"I thought you loved them!"

"What do you know about love? I'm doing this for their own good even thought it hurt." John rubbed his head for a long while, thinking about what he should do.

"Fine, we can start by using that cat as our lead."


"Mother! Any more and I'll explode!" Heba exclaimed happily, still finishing his last piece of apple slices. The pale man then took out something from the oven.

"Well, I guess your father and I'll eat all the cherry pie." Yami smiled as Atem chuckled, he cut a slice of pie for Atem.

"Wait, I want to try this 'cherry pie'! Please!" The former Pharaoh laughed along with Yami.

"You'll love it, if you don't I'll disown you." There was a long pause before everyone began to laugh once more.

"Wow! This tastes awesome! I'm relieved I'm not getting disowned."

To Be Continued~


Hello, I'm sorry that I didn't post this yesterday. I couldn't because lately I've been failing to focus, and I've been worrying too much, and I have so many personal problems... I'm worrying about things like the coronavirus going around, which is pretty scary, and rumors about WWIII. I know I shouldn't worry much, but I do that a lot. Anyway, how are you guys? I'm fine, I think, haven't checked myself much right now, I should lol. Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter, after this, I need to get going on an essay and studying to not fail math. Next chapter, "Facing my fears.".

See you in the next chapter?

Saiyan Duelist

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