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As Leo was training, you were crawling around the lair. You soon saw the small set of stairs at the entrance and started to climb up them. As you climbed up you started to lose your balance and fell. You saw blood on your knee and started to tear up before you started crying.

Leo heard you crying from the dojo and stopped his spar with Raph before he ran to where you were. He picked you up and saw the scrape on your little knee. He took you to the bathroom where he washed off your knee with a wet cloth before he put a blue band-aid over it. He kissed your forehead and carried you back to the dojo where you sat with Splinter and watched your dad train.


Raph was playing video games with Mikey and you were laying on the couch. You pushed yourself into a sitting position and tried to get off the couch, but Uncle Mikey left his skateboard in front of the couch.

You stepped onto the skateboard and it started to move. You were sitting on one side of the board when Mikey groaned and fell backwards in defeat. His head slammed against the other side of the skateboard which caused you to fly up into the air.

You landed on your stomach with a thump. You started crying and Raph came over and picked you up. He let you quiet down and saw a small bruise and scrape by your shoulder. He found a band aid to put on it you before he sat on the couch with you in his lap.

A couple days later, your scrape turned into a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. Now you're more like your daddy.


Donny was working on an experiment in the lab while you were sitting on a table. Since he wasn't looking, you started playing with the chemicals again. You mixed a orangish-yellowish with the black one and it started to bubble. That's when you added a purple one and it exploded sending you flying into the wall.

Your face hit the wall and it caused your tooth to break giving you a cute little gap like Daddy. When Donnie saw this he smiled and you shortly did the same. Both of you revealing your gaps to the world.


You were sitting on Miley's bed looking at a comic book. You couldn't read yet, but you liked the colors. You heard the word 'Pizza' just as your stomach growled. You scrambled to crawl off the bed and you fell on your head in the process.

You started to cry and you daddy came in. He sat down while holding you and started to rock you back and forth. He kissed your forehead and you stopped crying, but still whimpered. He carried you to the kitchen and gave you some pizza and you were all better.

Hi turtle-family! Hope you liked! Next up: First Thanksgiving!

-yugioh_fangirl <3

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