While You're Out (Raph)

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We went to the pizza place and the guy recognized me so he gave us a slight discount for my family being his best customers.

"Dang. If I knew I could get cheaper pizza, I would have brought you here before," Austin joked as we ate.

"Well there's also another place I can get food for cheap. It's called Murakami's."

"That Japanese restaurant?"

"You've heard of it?"

"Yeah. My cousin told me about it. He says it's kinda run down?"

"Well Mr. Murakami is really old and he's blind so you can't expect much. It looks good all things considered."

"'Maybe I should take you there in a date some time."

"Is that your Texas Charm or just your stupid way of asking me out?"

"Maybe a little bit of both?"

"I'll think about it Cowboy. So what movie do you want to see?"

"It's supposed to be this great action movie and I thought you'd like it."

"And it is?"

"Not really a new movie."

"Where are you taking me then?"

"To the movie theatre just... and old one. I think you'll like it."

We finished our pizza and on our way to the theatre I kept thinking about what my dad did. I can't believe he would spy on me like that. There's a reason he calls me Killer and I don't want him to feel what others have.

But maybe he deserves it.

"Here we are," he said while holding out an arm to an old run down building. My jaw dropped and I noticed it was covered in sheets and things meaning it was abandoned.

"Where exactly is here?"

"It's an old movie theatre. I found it a few months ago and I'm slowly making my way through the movies. I found Men in Black II and thought you'd like to see it."

"Sounds interesting. But one problem," I said as we stepped inside and made our way around some rotten flooring. "We need electricity."

"I got it," he said as he flipped a switch behind a counter. Lights went on and he turned off the ones outside. "Back up generators are marvelous things."

I chucked and he pulled out some bags of popcorn from his pockets before we popped them in an old, yet somehow clean, microwave and we went to the upper levels and started a movie.

We set it up and talked while the previews were running. When the movie started we sat there watching everything. I laughed at certain moments and when it got to the end I was about ready to cry.

"You aren't gonna cry are you," Austin asked with a smirk in his voice.

"Of course not! It's a dusty building is all."

"Uh huh. So have you thought about earlier?"

"You weren't joking?"

"No. I meant it. Will you go out with me?"

"Why not Cowboy."

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