He Confides in His Brothers

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(Their POV's)

Leo 💙-

I sighed as I overlooked the city down below. When (Y/n) came home and saw me she glared and went straight to her room. I tried to talk to her but she locked the door and when I asked her to open it she yelled for me to go away.

"What's wrong Leo," Donnie asked. Raph and Mikey looked over as well.

"Nothing. Just something that happened with (Y/n)."

"You ready to tell us why she's mad at you," Raph asked. I nodded and they all payed attention as I spoke.

"She was going to hang out with a friend. I was concerned because it was a guy friend. I don't want her to get hurt and so I followed her while wearing the watch Donnie made. I ended up letting myself get noticed and she got mad and left. When she got home she wouldn't even talk to me. I don't know what to do."

I kept my gaze on the streets below me and I felt Raph place a hand on my shell before he sat next to me.

"Sounds like it isn't because you don't want her to get hurt," he said.

"What," I asked.

"Sounds like you aren't ready for her to grow up," Donnie put in. I looked back down at the streets and sighed.

"Maybe you guys are right. I don't want to lose her. She's my little girl."

"She's not so little anymore Leo," Mikey said. "We all are getting to where we're going to have our daughters get ready to be independent. But the thing is... do you want her to leave while she's mad at you or while she still looks up to you and will actually come back?"

"Did Mikey just say something smart," Raph asked.

"Mikey. That was brilliant," Donnie said. "You're being really mature."

"I am," Mikey asked in shock. We all laughed at his behavior and I looked to the ground.

Maybe they're right. I need to make it up to her somehow. But how?

Raph ❤️-

I was sitting on top of a water tower and the guys were down below. I saw some Purple Dragons in an alleyway and saw them trying to mug some old guy. I jumped down and started to attack. As I was attacking, I let go of all of the anger I felt.

When (Y/n) came home she had a big smile on her face and was talking with everyone. But when she saw me, she stopped and glared before going to the dojo and practicing her kicks and punches on the punching bag.

I noticed that I had taken down all of the PD and the old guy had left before my brothers could join me.

"What's going on Raph," Donnie asked.

"Yeah," Leo added. "First (Y/n) is mad at you and now you're taking out bad guys faster than before. What's going on?"

"I'm just angry. That's all."

"What happened," Donnie asked with a stern look. "You're feeling guilty over making your daughter mad aren't you?"


"What did you do, bro," Mikey asked.

"I may or may not have spied on her and got caught while she was out with a friend. I was wearing the watch so she didn't realize it was me at first until she heard me speak."

"Was this friend a guy," Leo asked.


"Raph. You don't have to worry about losing her just yet," Donnie said. "We all worry about losing the girls but it's better to let them leave while they're not mad because then you know they'll come back."

"So I need to make up with her," I asked. They all nodded and I sighed. "How?"

"I think I know," Leo said.

Donnie 💜-

I was in the middle of a fight with the Kraang. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings and Leo had to stop one from attacking me from behind.

As soon as (Y/n) came home, she went to her lab and hid. And yes she has her own lab. I managed to set it up for her when she was in the fifth grade.

But when she came home, she automatically went to her lab. I cracked the door and was about to talk to her when she threw a beaker of peroxide and I just managed to dodge it.

"Donnie, you have to watch out," Raph said as we finished fighting the Kraang droids.

"Sorry guys. It's (Y/n). I made her really mad when I went topside and met her friend she was supposed to meet today."

"A friend," Mikey asked. "Like a guy friend?"

I sighed and nodded my head.

"Donnie. I think you need to put a little more trust in her. She's a smart kid," Raph said.

"Yeah but," I started.

"Donnie." Leo interrupted. "She's going to grow up. You can't stop her from doing that. Have a little trust in her, or you might end up losing her forever."

I sighed knowing they were right. I need to make things right tomorrow.

Mikey 💛-

"I totally messed up bro's," I said as we were sitting on the roof and waiting for something to happen.

"What did you do," Leo asked.

"I made (Y/n) mad at me," I sighed.

"What did you do this time," Donnie asked.

Yeah. I haven't always been the most responsible father, but sometimes I try my hardest just for her. There are times when I still want to just sit and play video games or read comics all day, but I always put that aside until I know she's okay and I'm free to do it.

When she came home today she was grinning like crazy and she was even laughing at nothing a bit. But when I asked her how everything was she looked at me angrily. She went to her room and locked herself in there and she wouldn't even come out for pizza! She loves pizza!

"I spied on her and her guy friend with the watches Donnie made and now she's mad at me because I thought he was her boyfriend."

"You need to have more trust in her," Raph said. "We can't stop our girls from growing up but we can always make sure that they grow up right. We're their dads. They will get mad at us but we'll always be who they turn to in a time of need."

"I guess you're right. But what am I supposed to do," I asked.

"Leave that to us," Donnie said while my brothers smiled. I nodded and we continued on patrol.

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