Grandpa's Advice

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Leo 💙-

I was sitting in the kitchen with a small headache. Whenever I get a headache, because I get them often, I usually ask my dad if he can get me some ibuprofen or something. But he's not here and I'm still mad at him.

"Why are you still up my granddaughter," Grandpa asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"I have a headache. And I don't know where the pain killers are," I replied. He smiled and grabbed a bottle from the cabinet before handing it to me. "Thank you Grandpa."

"Of course my granddaughter. Would you like some tea," he asked as he poured a cup for himself. I nodded with a skeptical look.

"Are you about to lecture me?"

"Yes. What troubles you?"

"It's Dad. He doesn't trust me. I went out with a friend, who's a guy, and he just made a big deal out of it. He even spied on me! I'm so mad that I can hardly speak to him."

"You should forgive him."

"But then I'll just be admitting that he had every right to spy on me. Which he didn't."

"Forgiving someone isn't approving how thy wronged you, rather it's no longer allowing their wrong to define you."

I kept my gaze on the ground before signing and nodding. He's right. I need to figure dad. Even if I don't like what he did.

"Thanks Grandpa. I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight (Y/n)."

Raph ❤️-

I continuously punched and kicked at the punching bag in the dojo. I was in the midst of doing this when my Grandpa's door opened. He stepped out with a confused look.

"(Y/n), why are you still up? It's almost midnight."

"I can't sleep," I said while I kicked the bag again.

"What troubles you?"

"Dad," I said while punching.

"Come over here. Sit," he said while holding his hand in front of him. I sighed and sat on the floor in front of him. "What did Raphael do?"

"He made me mad. He spied on me and didn't trust me when I told him I was going to hang out with a guy friend."

"So you're mad at him for being a father?"

"No... he's a great father but... I don't know. He just made me angry."

"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. I think you would do right to forgive him."

I looked up and sighed but nodded. He smiled and helped me up before giving me a small hug and sending me to my room.

Grandpa is right. I need to talk with him.

Donnie 💜-

I can't believe him! He's so immature just spying on me like that!

I was mixing some chemicals in my lab when Grandpa walked in.

"(Y/n), I think you'd do well to put that aside. You need sleep."

"A troubled mind can't sleep Grandpa. This is my only outlet," I said while pouring an ounce of peroxide into the mix and praying it wouldn't explode.

And what do you know, it did. Right in my face. Good thing I was wearing goggles and a mask over my mouth and nose.

I sighed heavily and threw the goggles to the other side of the room before pulling down the mask and trying to fix my hair.

"What troubles plague your mind?"

"Dad. He decided to spy on me and a friend when I told him there was nothing to worry about. He pretty much embarrassed me in front of my only friend and gave it a thirty-two percent chance of me forgiving him."

"You will not forgive him?"

"Not for him."

"(Y/n). Forgiveness isn't something we do for other people. We do it for ourselves to get well and move on."

I sighed knowing he was right. I nodded and he smiled before starting to leave. I was about to continue the experiment when I heard him clear his throat.

"And you'd be wise to sleep. Even geniuses need a rest."

I nodded and he left before I moved into the corner of the room and fell asleep in my bed.

Mikey 💛-

I was laying on the couch when I heard the sound of footsteps. I tuned around and saw Grandpa was standing behind me. I stared back at him for a few moments before he smiled.

"How are you this evening (Y/n)?"

"Alright I guess."

"You should be getting to bed."

"Nah. Sleeping is for people who aren't thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

"How dad didn't trust me. He heard I was going out with a guy friend and he thought it was a date. I ended up finding out that he spied on us and now I'm beyond mad at him."

"Give yourself permission to feel anger, pain, and resentment. Relax then let it go with love."


"It's okay to feel angry for a little while. But don't hold it in forever or you may not be able to love him the same."

He walked away and I sighed knowing he was right. And sounded like a fortune cookie.

I guess I'll go to bed and see about forgiving him in the morning.

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