Sorry guys!

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Guys I'm SOOOOOO sorry! I've fallen with a disease. It's called laziness. This is why I did not update on Christmas like I meant to. I've been SO busy or just want to lay around and sleep when I wasn't. Instead, this is what you guys got.

(L/d)- A blue set of toy katanas
(R/d)- A set of red toy sai(s?)
(D/d)- A purple toy bo staff (No chemicals for chu. 😜)
(M/d)- An orange pair of toy nunchucks

All girls- A mask to match their dads.

Not very original I'll admit, but like I said, I've fallen behind. Sorry.

Anyways, I'll try to update soon. Until then, I don't know what is in store for us my turtle family.

Anyways, all for nows!

- yugioh_fangirl <3

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