When you take a bath

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You had just gotten all dirty from playing in the sewers and Leo decided to give you a bath. After checking the water temperature, he set you in the water. You were playing with a bath you while he was scrubbing your hair. He grabbed a cup from the edge and filled it with water. He rinsed out your hair and you started to cry.

Leo jumped at your sudden outburst. Just two minutes ago you were laughing at the rubber duck. He was freaking out as Donny was passing by the door.

"Everything okay Leo," he asked.

"I don't know what happened. She was fine until I rinsed out her hair!"

"She probably has soap in her eyes."

"What?" Donny took the cup and put a little water in in before he leaned your head back and rinsed out your eyes. He then dried them and you stopped crying.

"Don! It worked!"

"Of course it did. I was the one to think of the problem and solution."

"Yeah, not in the mood for your gloating." Leo finished washing you and took you out of the bath with a blue towel. At least he knows what to do if you ever get soap in your eyes again.


Raph was sitting in the floor playing video games with Mikey while Donny helped to feed you when he suddenly felt something drop on his head. He paused the game and looked up to see you covered from head to toe in baby food. He set down the controller and took you from Donny. He walked to the bathroom and ran you a bath.

He put you in and started to wash you. When he was done he continue to play video games with Mikey while you sat on his lap and watched. (I know, it's short. Sorry, sorry)


Donny was working in experiments when you found some of his chemicals. Him, not knowing you had them, jumped and hit his head on the machine before he turned around see the explosion you created. You were covered in smoke and your short hair was sticking up. He chuckled before picking you up and heading to the bathroom.

He ran the water and while he was turned around you hid in the closet. He turned around to see you weren't there and started to freak out. He looked everywhere, but the closet, and finally heard your sobs. He followed them to the closet and found you wrapped up in a pile of towels.

He picked you up and you pulled a drawing out of your pocket. He looked at it and saw you being tortured by the krang. For an infant, you were pretty artistic. And smart. He calmed you down before getting you ready for a bath. He gently set you in the tub and even though you still didn't trust the water, you trusted Donny.

He washed you up and dried you off before he put you in some new clothes and sat with you until you fell asleep.


Mikey was feeding you the pizza flavored baby food when you through some at his chin. He licked it off and put some on your nose. You both ended up throwing food at one another and soon need to be cleaned up. After he wiped himself off, he ran a bath for you.

While he was washing you, you kept splashing him and it soon turned into a splashing fight. That's when you started to get tired and Mikey saw this. So he took you out of the tub and dried you off. He put some clothes on you and sat on the couch until you fell asleep against his plastron.

hey my turtle family! Sorry if it's bad. Hoping that stuff will get better! Next up: When you get your own bed. All for now!

-yugioh_fangirl <3

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