When you get your own bed

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You had been using Leo's bed with him since he brought you home a few days ago. You were getting irritable and so was he. So he and his brothers made you a crib. Now he can have his bed back and you can have your own bed.

The crib was a dark blue almost like his mask. It had space Herod sheets and he even gave you a little stuffed turtle to sleep with. You were opposed to a new bed that looked like a jail cell, but you slept in it anyways. You had to be brave to be the leader's daughter.

You fell in love with your new bed and slept peacefully every night.


Raph always slept peacefully, but since you were saved, he hasn't. Why you may ask? Because he always woke up to you kicking and punching in your sleep. Now a part of him was proud that you were a little feisty, but another part was upset that he was being woken up. So he made you a crib of your own.

The crib was red with black sheets and a lightning bolt shape crack in the wood. You were always stubborn when it came to new changes so you were kinda annoyed. But after the first few nights, you were back to punching baddies in your dreams. And you weren't hitting Raph this time!


Donny moved his bed into his lab because he almost never leaves the room and crept to train, eat, and go on patrol. Since you tend to wake up in the middle of the night, you always find the chemicals. Donny doesn't want you to hurt yourself so he decided to make you a crib.

It was purple with pastel green sheets and you had a little Albert Einstein plushie as a stuffed toy. You were against not being able to go out to find the chemicals, but Donny was happy you wouldn't get hurt. And after a while, you slept peacefully.


Mikey was always childish, so when you kept getting into his comics while he slept, he got a little upset. That's when he decided to ask for help in making you a crib. The boys helped him and they finished by nightfall.

The crib was orange with pizza-patterned sheets. He also spray painted a slice of pizza on the headboard. Now he was able to sleep while you sat in the crib and didn't mess with his comic books.

Hey turtle family! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, next up: When you get hurt. Enjoy!

-yugioh_fangirl <3

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