Help with Homework?

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(Also I'm doing something a bit different and this will be in the assigned daughter's pov)

"Daddy! I'm home," I called while I walked into the living room of the lair. He peeked his head over the couch and smiled.

"How was school," he asked while lauding Space Heroes.

"Fine. My teacher gave me math homework though," I pouted.

"Alright. Go sit in the kitchen and start it while I make you a snack," he said. We walked into the kitchen and I pulled out my notebook.

I started working on the math problems and then I came to a problem I didn't understand.

"Daddy. Can you help me? Second grade math is hard," I pouted.

"Second grade math isn't too bad. Wait until you get to third grade. You'll have to multiply," he said in a teasing way. He sat down beside me and handed me a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. "What's the problem?"

"It's subtraction. If Lisa has five loaves of bread and gives two and a half to Marcus, how many loaves of bread will Lisa have?"

"That's not too hard," he said with a smile. "Think about it this way. I gave you five cookies. If I take two, how many will you have?"

He took two cookies from my plate.


"Aright. And if I take a half of another cookie, how many will you have?"

"Two... and a half?"

"Very good. Now if I decide to take all of the cookies, what will you have?"

"All of my cookies and Daddy's hands."

I grabbed the cookies and protected them and he just laughed at me. He ruffled my hair and helped me whenever I needed it.

Raph ❤️-

I walked inside and found my Dad training in the dojo. I put down my bag and sat down while watching him. He turned around and noticed me before smiling.

"Hey Killer. How was school?"


"Do you have any homework?"

"Can I watch you for a bit longer instead?"

"How about this. You do your homework and I'll show you a few moves with your wooden sai. Okay?"

"Alright." I pulled out my notebook and he sat beside me.

"What do you have to do?"

"Science homework. I don't even remember over what."

"Let me see." He took the paper and read over it before laughing. "It's over rats. Maybe we should ask you grandpa for help."

"I've taught you many things my son. You can help her yourself," Grandpa said from the doorway. Both Dad and myself jumped.

"When did you get here!?"

"(Y/n), if you get to a question you don't understand, then ask your father. If neither of you understand then I suppose I can help you after everything else is done."

"Thank you Grandpa Sensei."

He left and we somehow managed to complete the worksheet with ease until we got to the last question.

"Two rats are placed in the same cage. They don't do anything but fight all day, and neither of them leave the other side of the cage. Why do you think that is?" I was so confused.

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