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(Btw, some asked me to put a picture up of Human Splinter via dm since he has obviously aged since he was Hamato Yoshi. So my friend sent me this to use.)

Leo 💙-

It was a few days after Thanksgiving and I was waking around town with Justin. That's when I heard a noise behind us. I turned around and saw a footbot standing there. I turned back around to run but Shredder and some more footbots surrounded us.

"Where are Splinter and the Turtles? Tell me and you might live long enough to see the die," he said.

"Look man, we don't know what you're talking about," Justin said as he put an arm in front of me.

"Footbots. Attack."

I quickly pulled Justin behind me and took out a footbot before stealing his sword. I started fighting the rest of them when I felt a pain across my arm. I turned around and saw Shredder had cut the side of my arm.

I tripped over my own foot and he yanked me up by my hair. I tried to get him with the sword but he knocked me out before I could. The last thing I saw was Justin hidden in the alley way before everything went black.

Raph ❤️-

I was currently out with Austin at the movie theatre we found when I heard a can kick from somewhere behind the counter up front. I continued walking with Austin before I was jumped from behind.

I was flipped around and saw a purple dragon pinning me to the floor with a knife at my throat. I glared as the ringleader walked over.

"Hello little one. Tell me, where are the turtles?"

"Like I'd ever tell you or any of the other Purple Dragons."

"Oh but you will. Because we have our ways. Bring her!"

"Get away from her!"

Austin tried to punch one of them but he was dodged and instead got kicked back. He fell to the floor and the purple dragons knocked me out before leaving.

Donnie 💜-

It was Marcus's birthday today, and Ally had also been accepted into preschool. We decided to go to an ice cream shop, just the three of us and had just finished up. We were walking down the sidewalk and Ally had each of her hands in ours and we were swinging her back and forth.

Everything was fine until the Krang showed up.

"The one known as Y/n will give the location of the ones who call themselves the turtles or she and her company shall meet a fate most unpleasant."

"Marcus, take Ally and run," I said to him as I picked up Ally and handed her to him.

"What about you?"

"I've got this." I kicked up a pipe on the side of the road and started swinging it around like a bo staff.

"The one known as Y/n is resisting and must be captured."

"Marcus, run!"

He started running down the street and I used to pipe to knock out a few of the Krang droids. I was doing pretty well until I was shot in the back with one of their plasma guns.

I was about to black out when I saw them throw me into the back of a truck. I hope someone can help me.

Mikey 💛-

I was hanging out with Brian at the skate park when someone knocked me from my board. I fell to the ground and when I looked up I saw BeeBop and RockSteady.

"Oh no," I said as Brian skated over.

"Oh yeah baby! And we're going to capture you if you don't tell us where the turtles are," BeeBop shouted.

"Why don't I just enjoy the rest of my evening and you freaks can hit the road?"

"Freaks!?" RockSteady exclaimed.

"Aw nah man. She jut struck a nerve. I think I might cry," BeeBop said as he wiped away a fake tear. "Sike! Eat my tusks loser!"

He started to charge at me and I pushed Brian out of the way before I was knocked into a ramp. I saw Brian running and I blacked out.

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