He Freaks Out

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(You've been friends with the guys for a couple years. You are almost sixteen and a sophomore in high school now)

Leo 💙-

I was grabbing my purse and about to leave the lair when I was stopped by my dad.

"Where are you going dressed like that?"

"Dad. Relax. It's leggings and a sweater."

"Where are you going?"

"To hang out with a friend."

"Is this friend a guy friend or a girl friend?"

"Does it matter?"

"Not at all. Unless it's a boy!"

"Dad. Relax. I've known Justin since seventh grade and-"

"Justin? You're going out with a boy?"

"Dad it isn't like that. Relax." I sighed and started up the steps once more.

"Be back before I go on patrol!"

"Relax. Of corse I'll be back before eleven." I left the lair with a sigh and made it to the surface. I can't believe he freaked out just because I have a guy friend.

Sure Justin is cute and weird and all but... Who am I kidding he's gorgeous and amazing. Dad does have a right to freak out because I've liked him since we started high school.

Raph ❤️-

"I'll be back later," I called into the dojo while dad was training. I was about to step out of the lair when he ran over.

"Where are you going so late?"

"Dad. It's only seven."

"Your point? Tell me."

"I'm going to hang out with a friend."

"A guy friend," he asked.

"Yes dad. A guy friend. Why does it matter?"

"When you have kids you'll understand. But you're not gonna have kids because you can't date until you're fifty."

"Dad. It isn't a date. I'm just hanging out with a friend from school."

"And how long have you been friends?"

"Since seventh. Now I'm gonna go. I'll be back before patrol. Later!"

Gosh. Why did he have to freak out on me. It isn't like I'm going out with that stupid cowboy and his... gorgeous, purple eyes that make me more interested in him each time I see him. Or that brown hair that is just long enough that it can cover his eyes if he doesn't style it or...

Wow wow wow wow wow! Stop that (Y/n)! You can't think about him like that while you're trying to prove a point.

Donnie 💜-

I was putting on my over sweater when my dad walked over.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna hang out with a friend for a while if that's okay?"

"Sure. Just be back before I go on patrol."

"Alright. Hey, you still working on that antidote?"

"Yeah. I think I've almost figured out how to cure (M/d)'s rabbit. I just need to add one last chemical."

"That's great," I smiled. He leaned over to finish the antidote and I looked at my watch. "I have to go. Marcus can't wait too long."

I was leaving the lab when I heard an my dad's voice.


Cue the explosion. Dad came running out of the lab covered in smoke and his eyes wide behind his goggles.

"You're going out with a boy?"

"He's my friend so yeah."

"This is not okay. I need your help with the antidote."

"You just said I could go out-"

"I forgot!"

"The antidote was almost done until you added too much Aloe."

"I know but-"

"Dad. I'm smart enough to know you changed your mind just because it's a guy. Nothing is going on okay? I'll be back."

I left the lair with a sigh and couldn't help but think about his reaction. It isn't like Marcus and I are dating me anything. But I don't think I'd mind it if we were.

Wait. What!?

Mikey 💛-

"Yo dad! I'm gonna go out with a friend," I said as I looked over the couch and saw him playing video games on the floor.

"That's good. Who is it?"

"A friend of my named Brian. Don't worry. I'll be back before patrol!"

I was almost out of the lair when

"Hold it Dudette!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around.


"Brian? As in a guy?"

"Yeah. So?"

"You're not dating are you!?"

"What!? N-"

"What's going on," Casey asked as he walked into the room.

"She's going on a date!"


"It's not a date! I'm just hanging out with a friend," I said with an angry look.

"Let's hope not," Casey said.

"She can't date yet. Casey! Why are you encouraging this!"

"I'm not Mikey. It's not a date so it should be fine right?"

"Why must she go on a date without telling me before hand!?"

I sighed angrily and left the lair. I took my skateboard and hopped on it when I got to the surface. I can't believe he thinks it's a date. It's not a date.


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