His Plan

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(His POV for this one.)

Leo 💙-

I can't believe she's going out with a guy! I know she said there's no need to worry but... she's my little girl. I can't risk her getting hurt.

"I need a way to keep an eye on her," I whispered to myself.

"Hey Guys! Get in here!" Donnie called.

"Yeah," I said as we walked into the lair.

"It's finally done! Yes!"

"What is Don?" I asked.

"A watch that will turn us human!"


"As long as we wear these then we can go to the surface and not have to hide in the shadows! We could also collect information a lot easier!"

"Let me see that!" I grabbed the blue watch and put it on before pressing a button on the side.

I looked in the mirror and I had long brown hair. My eye color was still the same and I was wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt, black shoes, and jeans.

"This is perfect," I said before running out of the lair.

Raph ❤️-

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Raph ❤️-

"I need a way to make sure she's okay," I said as I laced in the dojo. I sighed thinking about (Y/n) going out with some guy who could end up hurting her or doing something that he's soon regret.

"Guys! Guys!" Donnie ran into the living room screaming and I walked to said room.

"Way is it?" I asked annoyed.

"I made a watch!"

"That's what you were freaking out about," Leo asked.

"You didn't let me finish. It can turn us human! This way we can go to the surface!"

"What!? Let me try!" I grabbed the red one and put it on before hitting the button. I looked in a mirror and I had reddish dark brown hair and my usual green eyes. I also had a slight beard too. Cool.

I was wearing a sleeveless red muscle shirt with black jeans and shoes.

"Dude! You look normal," Mikey said in awe.

"This could work," I said before leaving the lair in a rush.

Donnie 💜-

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Donnie 💜-

I need to finish this. Now is the perfect time for it. I finished tightening the watch and put it around my wrist and pressed the button. I looked down and I was wearing a button up shirt that was left open revealing a green t-shirt. I also had on some blue jeans and purple shoes.

"It worked!"

"What worked Do- Who are you!?"

I turned around to see the guys in the doorway.

"It's me! Donnie! I made a watch that can turn us human!"

"If you're Donnie," Mikey started. "What letter am I thinking of?"

"Pizza Mikey. And it's not a letter."

"It really is Donnie!"

I looked in the mirror and saw that I had short brown hair and my usual, and adorable, brown eyes. I fist bumped the air before leaving the lair in search of (Y/n).

Mikey 💛-

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Mikey 💛-

I was so worried about (Y/n) right now. I can't even eat pizza! Okay... maybe not that worried. But I can't pick my video game back up!

"Hey Mikey. Wanna be my Guinea Pig?"

"Sure Donnie. Maybe it can't help get something off my mind."

I walked into the lab and sat down before he brought over a watch. He placed it on my wrist and told me to hit the button. I did so and when Donnie held up a mirror I saw that I looked human.


"I knew it would work!"

I grabbed he mirror and looked in amazement. I had my usual baby blue eyes and I was a red head. I was wearing an orange hoodie and blue jeans with some orange converse.

"Donnie. You're a genius!"

I left the lab and went to find (Y/n). I have to find her quickly before she gets too far away.

 I have to find her quickly before she gets too far away

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