Guy Bonding Time (Leo)

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Leo 💙-

Justin and I snuck into the Shredder's lair. We made it into Shredder's throne room and I saw him sitting in the chair.

"Shredder. Where is my daughter," I asked.

"Ah, Leonardo. Your daughter? Don't you mean my right hand man?"

"Come again?"

"You and your family took away Karai, so I took away Y/n."

"That was long ago Shredder! Give me my daughter back!"

"I don't think so. Y/n!"

I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer and turned around to see Y/n in a short, long-sleeved, black dress with knee high socks, boots, and a choker.

"Y/n..." Justin spoke. "What happened?"

"I realized who I must show loyalty towards. Shredder can provide more power than the turtles ever will," she said with a smirk. I saw her normal e/c eyes were a deep shade of red.

"What did you do to her," I growled.

"It was not I who gave her these thoughts. She always questioned you and those freaks. I just woke up her mind a little and she became loyal to me."

"I don't believe it," Justin screamed. "Y/n would never betray the people she loves!"

"Oh really? Then what is she doing now?"

"Leo, that can't be Y/n," Justin said as he stared at her with hurt eyes.

"You don't know the Shredder's methods Justin. He's done a lot worse to other people. A little mind control is possible to achieve."


"It doesn't matter if that's Y/n or not. We have to defend ourselves as best we can. Even if... even if we hurt her in the process."


"I don't want to but if it's really her, she's tough enough to take a hit. She's been training since she was a toddler."


"Besides. Her Uncle Donnie is basically a doctor for the family. He can help her if it comes to it."

"How touching that you care for someone who doesn't care for you," Shredder said smugly. "Y/n. Attack!"

"With pleasure." She smirked and pulled out a katana before she started in a swords fight with me. I ended up having to pull out my second one and she was still holding her ground well.

"Y/n please. Snap out of it. It's me, your dad."

Her smile grew even more before she leaned closer.

"I know."

She then kicked me back and I dropped my swords. I was about to get up when she stepped on my plastron and held the end of her sword to my throat.

"Good. Finish him," Shredder spoke.


I looked over and Justin pushed Y/n off me. She dropped her sword and rolled over before looking up with a deadly glare. I quickly grabbed one of my katanas and cut a cable near my head.

I saw her look up and she couldn't jump out of the way in time. My eyes went wide and I dropped to my knees while Justin gasped.

Everything was quiet before I saw a hand shoot out from the rubble. She slowly made her way out of the mess and glared hard towards Justin and myself.

"Is she still...?"

"I guess so."

She slowly started making her way over and picked up a sword. I saw her smirk before she sent a ninja star flying at Shredder's head. He caught it and she ran towards the two of us.

"You stupid girl. You still side with them over me? I can give you power."

"I don't need power. My family gives me love. And that's all I need."

She threw a smoke bomb to the ground and we escaped Shredder's hideout. We went underground into the sewers and started making our way to lair.

"Sorry for crushing you," I said.

"That's fine. You did what you had to do Dad. Thank you for saving me." I smiled at her before she turned towards Justin and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And thank you for coming to help."

"I didn't have much of a choice. Your dad is very persuasive. But I would have come anyways."

"I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled and kissed him lightly before they started walking ahead hand in hand.

I just witnessed my daughter's first kiss. Good grief.

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