While You're Out (Leo)

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I can't believe my dad would just follow us like that. Now Justin probably thinks my family is weird. Great!

"We're here," Justin said as we finished walking up a giant hill.

I stopped at the top and saw we were right outside a drive in movie theatre. The screen was getting ready to play Jurassic Park and everyone looked excited.

"Wow," I said in awe.

"Yeah. I found this place a couple years ago after I first moved here."

"It's amazing. I can even hear everything over here."

"Yeah. That was the best appeal to this place. It's become my own little safe haven."

"Safe haven?"

"Yeah. When I first moved here it was because my parents got divorced. A few months after that was when my mom decided to bring home some guy. I ran and ended up here. They were playing one of my favorite horror films so I sat and watched until I was ready to go home."

"Wow. I never knew she did that?"

"I never wanted you to know. But I feel as though you can be trusted with anything so..."

I smiled and looked towards the ground. The movie was starting and Justin pulled out a large plastic bag from the bush. He pulled out a blanket to sit on and some candy bars and sodas.

"You really are prepared," I laughed lightly. He smiled and handed me the snacks and drinks before he set up the blanket and we sat down.

"Have you ever watched this movie," he asked.


"You're missing out. It's a true classic."

We watched and when it got to the scene of the movie where the T-Rex was getting into the cars, I couldn't stand it and I hid my face in Justin's shoulder.

"Scared Fearless," he asked me.

"N-no. Just worried."

"Relax. It's only HollyWood stuff so it's not like he really died."

"Yeah but it's still so creepy."

"I got you." He put an arm around my shoulder and I looked up at him. He stared at me for a minute before smiling. "Hey (Y/n)?"


"You have really beautiful (e/c) eyes."

I blushed slightly but smiled anyways.

"Thanks. You have amazing dark brown eyes. They remind me of dark chocolate."

"Hey... there's something I've wanted to ask you."


"Would you... go out with me?"

"Sure Justin."

We exchanged smiles and went back to the movie. When it was finally over I noticed it was almost eleven and I had to leave.

Stupid curfew. Why do you have to ruin my fun?

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