While You're Out (Mikey)

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Brian and I were skating for a few hours before I saw it was going on ten o' clock. I stopped and saw him trying to do a 360.

But he fell and landed on his face. I rushed over and helped him up before I saw blood coming out of his nose.

"Brian. You're bleeding." I grabbed the package of tissues from my pocket and handed him a couple. He wiped up with one and pinched his nose with the other.

"Thanks," he said as he started to lean his head back.

"Wait!" I tilted his head forward instead and he gave me a confused look.

"Why forward?"

"Because if you lean your head back then you could choke on the blood. Your nose and your mouth are connected in a way. That's why when certain people have sinuses, it drains from their nose and they hack it up through their mouths."


"Well it's the best way I can explain it. Besides, you don't want to choke on blood or cough it up do you?"

"I guess not. How did you know about this?"

"I was messing around with (R/d) one day and she fell on her face. She went to lean her head back and she ended up choking and coughing up blood on the floor. One of my uncles helped her with that little issue while my other uncle cleaned up the mess."

"You're cousins with (R/d)? As in (R/d) Hamato?"

"Yeah. And (L/d) Hamato and (D/d) Hamato."

"Are any of them sisters?"

"No. All our dad's are brothers."

"Where are your mom's?"

"Don't have 'em. Closest thing we have to a mom is our Aunt April. We're all adopted."

"That's kind of a bummer."

"Yeah but when you grow up with dad's like that... it's interesting. My dad is an idiot though. People always think I have to be stupid because I like fun, like him, but I'm not. I'm me."

I looked at the ground and kicked a rock while we made our way out of the skatepark.

"Well I think you're amazing the way you are." He smiled and took my hand in his. I smiled back at him before I saw an ice cream shop up ahead.

"Can we get some milkshakes?"

"Only if you agree to go out with me."


We grabbed two chocolate milkshakes and went our separate ways. It's almost eleven, which means Dad goes on patrol.

Good. Now I won't have to see him.

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