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Probate pov
The entire family sat around at Sarah's house
"The will here says this house will be left to her 3 boys Devin, Deanthony, and Keith and 100,000,000 will be split evenly between Devin and Deanthony." The Probate read as he looked up at Deanthony.
"Also here she had 3 savings accounts, stocks, and other businesses she owns...- Wait 3 accounts since when?" Deanthony asked as Brittney hit him.
"Let him finish." Brittney said as he laughed.
"Your mother was a very wealthy woman before she passed this list could go on for days." The probate said as Deanthony shook his head.
"One Savings account with 190,000 will go all to Miyah, Another Savings with 900,000 will be split evenly between the rest of Devin's children." The probate said giving Miyah and Melody the card to the two accounts.
"Damn Ma was worth millions wonder where she get all this money from." Brittney said as the Probate shook his head
"More than millions, which moves me on to Deanthony kids: The 3rd account of 100,000 will be split evenly between Aj and Niyah." He said giving Brittney the card to the 3rd account.
"Also on here it says to Keith: The road you went down son I went thru hell with you, I dont know if you'll ever have kids or not but I leave you this card and the keys. My lawyer will go over details on what to do with this card and what these keys go to.." The Probate said giving Keith the keys and card.
"When we're done here I'll take you where to go next, on to Dee she said: My son number 4 I prayed you make it to the lead whether you did or not if you see this I leave you the keys to my BMW." The probate said throwing him a pair of keys also Dee nodded.
"For Kira she left all of her stocks and said you're the smart one and knows what to do with this and also the keys to her hair salon that you now own." He said holding the pair of keys until he went down to her will
"Brittney for you the keys to her shoe boutique she left a note saying she lost interest and hopefully you know what to do with this." The Probate said throwing Brittney a pair of keys also.

Keith pov
"With that being said im done here, Twins you guys can get with me later with your banking info and I can get that sent thru and Keith you ready?" He asked as Keith nodded and followed the Probate. Keith got into his car and followed him a couple of miles down the road to an apartment complex.
The probate walked up to a door and looked at Keith as Keith stuck a brown key in then walked inside a fully furnished apartment.
"The second key is to a safe, Im not really sure where the safe is but I know its in this apartment goodluck and im sorry for your lost." The probate said patting Keith's back as he nodded and watched the Probate leave. Keith walked around the apartment taking a look at everything then went into the room to begin his search. After searching for a hour he realized the wall in the closet wasn't really a wall it was a built in cave. He walked inside the cave going downstairs and saw it fully furnished and there it was a large safe sitting out.
Keith stuck the key in and tried Sarah's birthday as the pin and the safe popped open. He saw stacks on $100's, another key, a gun, and a note on top. He opened the note and began to read:
To Keith: If you were smart enough to get this open I left you $100,000,000 but I have 2 rules before you can get this money..
1. If you already have kids you must put 70,000 towards their tuition.. My lawyer will be watching!
2. Start a business (get out the gang life! i want better for you boys when im gone.)

Miyah pov
Instead of Miyah spending her last day in the hospital she decided to go home, to her parents house once she knew her baby was alright. Miyah laid in bed looking at the sleeping baby while thinking of her grandmother. Miyah knew her grandmother was a wealthy woman, she practically lived with her all her life so she knew what Sarah had.
"I wish your great granny could have saw you." Miyah said softly rubbing the baby's hair as Deavion came walking in.
"Here this for you." Deavion said giving Miyah a banking cared as Miyah sat it aside.
"She look just like you." Deavion said sitting on the other side of the bed and looking at the baby.
"Thanks lil brother I know we dont have much of a bond since Im always busy or bonding with our other siblings but I love you and you know you can visit anytime you in my city on tours and shit." Miyah said as they both laughed.
"Yeah i think we tour out there again i thought about moving out there where you at." Deavion said as Miyah nodded.
"Oh yeah hit me up I can find you some good realtors and everything and get you right, What about your senior year and everything, what mom and dad say?" Miyah asked as Deavion shook his head.
"They not to happy about me doing it online, we had a meeting with the board and everything and they was like its up to mom and Dad they think its best for me to not be there so i wont distract other students but you know how they are." Deavion said shrugged as Miyah agreed.
"Yeah it was like that coming up I did private school and stayed with grandma my entire life." Miyah said as Deavion nodded.
"How was it, like why didn't you stay with Dad?" Deavion asked as Miyah shrugged.
"Gang life, my mom didn't want me, Dad was so cut up in the gang life he didn't have time and with Ma Kira working, going to school, and being pregnant it was too much on her she took me in as a child of her own but Grandma thought it was best I stayed with her cause Kira was going thru too much putting up with our Dad. Being kidnapped even worse raped, Grandma didn't want me in that environment cause If Devin really would've gotten caught up, the state would have took all of us including you." Miyah explained as Deavion nodded.
"Understandable thats why I turned down the position of taking over- What? he gave it to you?" Miyah asked shockingly.
"Yeah he took it from King when King got that murder charge but I turned it down I talk to mom about it and she was shocked too I feel like I lived that life....still is, it's getting old I don't want my kids growing up being into that shit when i do consider having some but not right now." Deavion said as Miyah smiled.
"Oh my goddd little brother you growing up! I love u so much we all are proud of you." Miyah said as Deavion laughed and nodded.
"Yeah be looking for me some condo's out there fr though I like it out there in the city." Deavion said getting up as Miyah nodded.
"Of course soon as I get back home I got you, oh and Avion." Miyah said as Deavion stopped and turned to Miyah before leaving the room.
"Give Ben a chance he's human too." Miyah said as Deavion shrugged and left the room

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