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Thursday morning. 
Keith pov
Keith was up cooking breakfast with all his kids and figuring out his master plan to help Olivia. He began to crack up the eggs until he heard to twins yell out the color orange with excitement.
"Orange buddy?" Keith asked as Khristain pulled on his leg while pointing at the window.
Ariaannaa took over as Keith walked over to the window to see what the excitement was about. He quickly ran out the house once he saw Jayla's house was on fire.

Jordan pov
Jordan woke up to music blasting thru the house and smoke alarms going off. She groaned as she got out of bed and went downstairs to see what was going on. She walked into the kitchen and saw breakfast had caught on fire and her mother was no where around. Jordan tried throwing water on the fire which only made it worse.
"Mom!" Jordan cried out as she ran towards her room and saw her laid across the bed sleep.
"Mom!" Jordan screamed as she began to pull her up while hitting her. Jordan looked around and saw drugs sitting on the dresser, she walked over to it and saw a needle and tie and looked back at her mom shockingly as tears came to her eyes.
"Jordan you have to get out now." Keith yelled walking into the room.
"But- Lets go!" He yelled while picking up Jayla as the ran out the house letting the fire take over.
"I cant believe her." Jordan said bursting out in tears as Keith laid Jayla on his couch.
"Y'all can stay here for a few days." Keith offered as Janelle and Ariaannaa looked at each other then back at him like he was crazy.

Melody pov
Melody walked downstairs and overheard Rafeal mentioning moving back in. She walked into the kitchen not realizing Ben and Deavion was there also.
"Goodmorning Mel." Deavion said as she continued to fix herself coffee.
"Morning." she said grumpily as deavion laughed.
"She still sleep leave her alone poor baby tired." Kira said as Ben got up and pulled her into a hug.
"I missed you." Melody mumbled into Ben's arms as he chuckled and kissed her head.
"So what's this with everyone moving back in?" Melody asked.
"Raf cheated on Kelsie with her sister and you say im the bad person?" King said while huffing as Rafeal slapped his arm.
"I really hate you two, Y'all a bad influence on Avion- BAD INFLUENCE? Avion got them bitches aint that right bro." King joked as Deavion laughed and shook his head.
"Alexa picking up Kaniyah today- She can come by here and get Kaniyah." King said as Melody shook her head.
"King no I dont wanna be brought in the middle of this." Melody said looking at him as King shrugged.
"I dont care im putting an end to her childish games, Mel i miss going to sleep with my baby laying on my chest, I cant continue going weeks without seeing her, only way I can see her is thru you. Im tired of this and if you had any sense bro you'll use me as an life lesson to do right by Kel. You see this bullshit im going thru with Lex dont know what my baby need, what she going thru or nothing." King said angrily as Melody looked at Ben.
"He's gotta point." Deavion said shrugging as Melody shook her head.
"Alright but King dont fuck this up because Alexa will take Kaniyah away for good." Melody said as King looked at her like she had gone crazy.
"She said that?" Deavion said feeling kinda hurt cause he loved Kaniyah like she was his own.
"Yes Alexa is planning to move outta town by late January." Melody announced as King punched the wall.
"FUCK BRA! I dont even know why she doing all this, she cant take my baby from me!" He yelled as Kira walked in.
"HEYYY, Whats with all the yelling?" Kira yelled as Kaniyah started to cry.
"Melody just told all of us that Alexa's moving outta town with Kaniyah for good." Deavion said as Kira looked at the baby and back at King...

Dee pov
While Dee stood at the bar talking to one of the bottle girls, Jordan stood at the door looking around for him. Once she spotted him she came running towards him.
"Dad." Jordan said hugging him as he chuckled and asked the bottle girl to give him a minute.
"Jordan what are you doing here?" He asked as she looked at him with tears flowing down her face.
"Its mom, Dad she's been doing drugs since you left and she burned down the house. Dad she's changed a lot since you left. It's all my fault please come home." Jordan begged as Dee grabbed his keys.
"Lets get you home." Was all he could manage to get out, he was shocked by the news Jordan had gave him. Jayla didn't seem like the type of female to do drugs and go thru what she was going thru. Dee took Jordan out to get herself some food then drove to Keith house.
He walked Jordan inside and went into the room Jayla was sleeping in. Dee crossed his arms and leaned against the door waiting for Jayla to come out the bathroom. Once the lights flicked off Jayla walked out the bathroom and jumped back once she saw Dee standing there.
"Dee- What you got going on Jay?" he asked looking at her as She sighed and walked passed him.
"What are you talking ab- Dont give me that bullshit Jay, Drugs? where the fuck you get this shit from, how?" Dee said angrily as she shook her head.
"Give me whatever you got left." Dee said looking at her as she sighed and grabbed his arm.
"Dee- Where is it!" Dee yelled as she covered her face.
"Everything got destroyed in the fire I don't have any." She mumbled as Dee shook his head.
"Lets go." Dee said grabbing her arm and pushing her out the room as she did as he said.
"Jordan lets go!" Dee yelled as he walked downstairs.
"You out bro?" Keith said as he nodded and dapped him.
"Yeah I got them, thank you bro." Dee said giving him a brotherly hug as Keith nodded.
The entire ride on the way to Dee's apartment was silent until he pulled up in the parking deck.
"Jordan lets go, you Stay here." He said to Jayla as she nodded. Dee got out the car and swiped his key across the elevator buttons to get onto the elevator. He swiped his key across the number of his apartment and the elevator immediately took him up to his apartment.
"if the doorbell rings dont answer the elevator wont let them up without my approval, I have a key to get in." He said to Jordan as she nodded and followed him into his condo.
"Are we gonna be staying here now?" Jordan asked as he turned the lights on.
"Yeah for a couple of days." He said as Jordan nodded and walked upstairs to the other rooms, touring herself.

Jayla pov
Jayla looked around at the different cars as she waited for Dee to come back. She looked over to her left and saw a man what look like a dealer standing outside the parking deck dealing to customers. She looked into Dee's arm rest and saw he had a roll of money left in there. she grabbed $90 out the roll and quickly got out the car and walked over to the man.
"Wassup?" he asked as she looked around then back at him and gave him the ninety dollars.
"Shoot up." she said as he looked at her crazy.
"You a beautiful girl you don't need to be on this shit but since you paying extra this my first and last time doing this with you." He said as he tied a tie around her arm as she nodded and continued to look out for Dee.
Once The man was done serving Jayla he took the tie off her arm and helped her back to the car before leaving.

Alexa pov
Alexa drove to Kira's house since Melody had told her to meet her there with Kaniyah not knowing that she was gonna have to deal with facing King. Alexa walked into the house and into the kitchen and saw everyone there except Kaniyah.
"Hello everyone." Alexa said once she walked in.
"Hey boo i'll put her bags- No I got it." King said standing up as Alexa looked at him.
"We needa talk." King said walking up to her as she nodded and followed him outside.
"Whats this you moving outta town? You blocked me, been avoiding my calls, wont let me see my daughter whats your problem yo? Whatever is going on with us doesn't have shit to do with Niyah." King said as he sat the bags in her front seat.
"I want a better life for me and my child! Im sorry King but im leaving in 2 more weeks you can keep Kaniyah until then but you cant change my mind. we can arrange you seeing her or something." Alexa said crossing her arms while leaning against her car as King shook his head.
"Thats fucked up Lex I cant even get in touch with you, only way I can see my daughter or even know how she is doing is thru Melody... I hurt you that bad for you to do this to me? I apologized, did everything I could what more you want?" King said looking at her with hurt in his eyes as she looked at him with no sympathy.
"King dont make me- Make you what? Kaniyah everything to me and you know it. You taking everything I got from me Lex." King said angrily as Alexa looked away and shook her head.
"Now you care? You didn't care when we were together- Its not about me and you Lex. This about my baby bra, I dont have to be with you to see my baby." King said as Alexa shook her head with tears in her eyes.
"King it doesn't matter I loved you, you were my first everything. How could you do this to me?" Alexa asked as King pulled her into a hug.
"I had to work on bettering myself as a man I promise I didnt mean to hurt you Lex." King said hugging her tightly as she cried into his arms.
"I just want our family back." She mumbled as King grabbed her hand. He locked the doors on her car and led her into the house and upstairs.
"Stay Lex, you can leave whenever its time for you to go but my baby not going." King said looking at her as she looked at Kaniyah and back at him.
"King you cant take my baby from me!" she yelled as he grabbed her by her throat.
"Stop yelling before you wake Niyah, I said what I hadda say Lex my baby not going to Montana with you." King said letting her go as she shook her head.
"This is why i left I knew I should've never trusted Mel- Pull that bullshit again ima kill you." King said walking away as she rolled her eyes and climbed into the bed with Kaniyah.

Dee pov
Once Dee got back to the car he pulled out the parking deck and headed for the trap to find out who been serving Jayla. 30 mins later
"Jay, Jay get up." Dee said looking over at Jayla as she shook her head.
"You high- Bra dont answer get the fuck out the car!" Dee yelled angrily as Jayla slowly got out the car. He grabbed her arm pulling her into the trap grabbing everyone's attention.
"I need everybody attention!" he yelled as everyone looked at him like somebody had just fucked up.
"Take her and get her cleaned up, get that shit out of her." Dee said lowly to Andrea as she nodded and throwed Jayla arm across her shoulder while holding Jayla up and taking her into a room.
"Who the fuck been serving Jayla?" He yelled angrily as the trap got quiet.
"Nobody wanna speak up? if I find out you're dead!" He said angrily as everybody shook her head.
"She hasn't bought from any of us, we were told not to serve y'all wives and children." Somebody said as Dee nodded.
"I need 4 of yall ona look out to see who the fuck she been getting her drugs from!" Dee announced before everybody went back to what they were doing.
Dee went into the room Jayla was in and saw her laying there on her side. He looked at her now bruised up arm and shook her head.
"Jay you may not like this but im sending you off for a couple of weeks." Dee said sitting down and looking at her as she shook her head with tears in her eyes.
"You cant do this Dee what about us? Jordan- Jordan is fine, she'll stay with me but you gotta get yourself together before we work on us again." He said as tears flowed down her eyes.
"Dee I can get better please- Im sorry its already done, you're leaving Monday." he said as Jayla shook her head.

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