Part 36

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Next day
After the investigation was over and done they had found the evidence they needed to bring King down. What King didn't know was it was somebody in his gang setting him up to take over the empire.

King pov
While King was spending as much time as he could with Alexa the police and investigators were getting ready for his arrest. The police knocked four times on the door as Alexa and King looked at each other.
"Kingston Consteallo you're under arrest for the murder of Kelsie Hill. You have the right to remain silent, Anything you say, or do will be held against you in court...." The officers continued to say as King held his head down.

Lamar pov
Lamar is someone that had been working in the gang
Once Lamar had heard King was locked away he took his chance at taking over the empire but what he didn't know was Devin was stepping back in the gang life. He pulled out his phone making a call. He called up Tj, Kelsie's brother.
Lamar: he's out the way
Tj: good good next we take out whoever's steps in the way
Lamar: thats the problem
Tj: what?
Lamar: i heard his father is stepping back in
Tj: so? We can take him out
Lamar: its not that easy his family took over many different empires in almost every state they powerful they even got a couple of cops on there side
Tj: fuckk let me get back at you
What Tj didn't know was King came from a powerful family and with his dad stepping in it wouldn't be so easy for him to take over.

Kira pov
While Kira had been cuddled under Darius not answering her phone nor texts, something in her mind told her to check her phone. She looked thru the media and saw everyone saying free her son and read a text from Devin saying there was nothing he can do. Anger went thru her as she called Devin
Phone conversation
Devin: Kira dont start
Kira: What the fuck you mean there's nothing you can do Devin? Thats your son, get my baby outta there now!
Devin: Kira Then I'll get caught up in this and everything goes down hill. Im trying everything but King signed up for this when he killed her
Kira: *sighs.. Do whatever it takes but i want my son home
Devin: where the girls?
Kira: sleep
Devin: alright ima hit you up later
End of conversation
Kira sighed as she climbed out of bed.
"I gotta get home to the rest of my eggs see you later?" She said looking at Darius as he pulled her closer to him while gripping her ass.
"You gotta leave now?" Darius asked as she smiled.
"I left my house to some 16 year olds what you think?" She joked as he chuckled.
"Yeah about that I don't think your son likes me to tough." Darius said as she nodded.
"Yeah Deavion isnt so friendly he hardly likes his dad but he'll get used to you I promise." She said kissing his forehead as he kissed her stomach.
"Maybe you can have another mini you, I always wanted a big family." He suggested as Kira looked at him with a bitch what look.
"Oh no see you later Darius!" Kira yelled as she walked out of his room and down the steps.
"Girls!" Kira screamed as Alayna and Karlie came running out of their playroom Darius had made for them.

Kelsie pov
Since Kelsie's and Rafeal's fallen out, Kelsie haven't been home nor spoken to Rafeal. Kelsie had been staying at her parents house but telling her parents she was just visiting.
"Kelsie whats really going on?" Her mother asked her as she walked into the kitchen.
"Nothing- Girl just Go ahead and tell them you and Rafeal aren't married and dont stay together." Kelsie's sister yelled out while flipping her long natural black hair.
"Stay out my business!" Kelsie yelled looking at Brianna as she shrugged. Brianna was older than Kelsie by 2 years and always felt like it was competition between the two if them.
"I am so disappointed in you, Why Kel?" Kelsie's mother asked as she looked at Kelsie disgusted.
"Cynthia- No she's right Dad. How could you then he already has 1 child." Brianna said crossing her arms as Kelsie got up
"Im leaving, see you later Dad." Kelsie said hugging her father and walking out the house, slamming the door behind her. Kelsie shedded a few tears once she had got into car to go home.
Once Kelsie arrived home she walked into the kitchen stopping when she saw a golden key laying on the counter. She picked up the key and looked at it before throwing it back down and going into her room. She walked into the closet and saw all Rafeal things were gone and instantly pulled her phone out to call Rafeal.
Phone conversation
Rafeal: wassup? Im kinda busy right now K-
Kelsie: so we're done? When were you gonna tell me you were moving out Raf?!
Rafeal: *chuckles..
Kelsie: *crying... are u serious right-
End if conversation
Before Kelsie could finish Rafeal had hung up. She looked down at her phone and the tears came faster as she laid her head on the counter.
Rafeal walked in seeing Kelsie crying made him think maybe he did over do it. He wrapped his arms around her waist scaring her as she quickly turned around.
"No Raf- Kelsie calm down I got a surprise." He announced as she looked away from him and shook her head.
"Just ride with me please." He said as she gave in and followed him outside. Rafeal locked up her apartment before helping her into the car.
"So how was your day?" He asked as she shook her head.
"Bad my parents are upset with me, sister in my business, I just cant win for nothing Raf thats why I need you here to help me with this baby." Kelsie said sadly as Rafeal grabbed her hand.
"Your sister just jealous of you baby. I promise everything's gonna get better and ima be here." He said coming to a stop as Kelsie looked at the house and back at him.
"Rafeal where are we?" She asked as he smiled and put a key in her hand.
"Our new home." He said as she shook her head.
"No Rafeal stop playing- Get out and look around." Rafeal said getting out the car and showing Kelsie around the house.

" Rafeal said getting out the car and showing Kelsie around the house

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"Oh my god Rafeal this is beautiful babe thank you so much." Kelsie said excitedly hugging Rafeal as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"All ours baby." Rafeal said kissing her head as she looked at him.
"Come on lets see the inside!" She said excitedly slowly jogging inside.

Devin pov
"Just Because King gone doesn't mean work stop. Time is money, I want orders out tomorrow, and I want my security to be enforced! How the fuck i got security but got my products walking out this warehouse?! If i find out one of you niggas stealing from me it wont be pretty!" Devin yelled to all his workers as they listened. Lamar stared at Devin as he smirked. Devin caught him smirking at him but didn't pay it no mind, not right now anyway.
"Get on yall fucking jobs and stop fucking around!" Devin yelled as the workers walked away going back to what they were doing before he started yelling at them.
Devin walked to his old office that was now his son's. He thought about taking the gang back from King because he was to hot headed and also too immature at the time. He didn't want to step back into the life since his life had been on track and money been clean for 3 years. Devin also had invested into other businesses over the years that he couldn't get crossed up into this gang life.
"You good my brother?" Deanthony asked walking into the office as Devin looked up and nodded before turning his attention back to the computer.
"What you know about this Lamar dude?" Devin asked as he looked thru the files on the computer.
"He just joined like a month ago, young dude only around 20 or 21 wassup?" Deanthony asked as he nodded.
"Some bout him, ion like it." Devin said knowing something was up about him as He called one of his most trusted workers into the office.
"Wassup D?" Romel asked as he sat in the chair in front of the desk.
"You know some bout this Lamar dude?" Devin asked as he looked at him weirdly.
"Who's that?" Romel asked as Devin showed him a picture.
"Oh him thought his name was Juice, thats what he told us." Romel said as Devin looked at Deanthony.
"I gotta job for you, find information on this guy whatever I need this done asap." Devin said as Romel dapped him.
"Im on it." Romel yelled out walking out the office
While Devin was finding information on Lamar, Lamar was onto making his next move.

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