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Alexa pov
While King was gone to run errands for his father, That gave Alexa the chance to go thru with her plan. She packed all her things and Kaniyah's things, then walked downstairs and put their things in the car.
"You leaving out early." Melody said handing her Kaniyah as Alexa nodded. 
"Yeah i got some things to take care of." Alexa lied as Melody folded her arms.
"You need me to watch Niyah. I'll keep her- No I got her thank you." Alexa said smiling as Melody slowly nodded.
"Well alright see you later." Melody said before walking away as Alexa nodded and quickly made her way to her car.
Kira pov
Devin & Kira packed up everything in the masters bedroom before making their way to Karlie's bedroom. Kira looked around and tears formed in her eyes. She grabbed the picture of Karlie and thought of the time she last step foot into this room when Karlie was alive.
Kira walks into Karlie's room while Karlie was sitting on the floor painting her toes.
"Armani Jahkarlie Consteallo didnt i tell you to clean this room an hour ago." Kira yelled as Karlie looked up at her.
"I did, those are Lay toys, she keeps bringing her toes in my room!" Karlie said softly but loudly as Kira looked at Lay, who was giggling.
"Lay clean your room and get your toys out Karlie's room, Karlie you have practice ina few you need to be getting ready." Kira said as Karlie nodded.
"Mommy." Karlie said as Kira turned back to see what she wanted
"I love you." She said softly as Kira smiled.
"I love you too baby." Kira said as Karlie got up and did as Kira said.
*flashback over
"You okay?" Devin asked pulling her into a hug from behind as she nodded.
"Yeah im fine." She said quietly as she sniffed and turned towards the closet as Jayla came walking in.
"Wow i dont see how you could do it you're strong Kira." Jayla said as she looked around the room.
"Yeah.." kira said nonchalantly as she begin to put all the clothes in a basket.
"Anyway I came to talk to you and it can't wait." Jayla said crossing her arms as Kira sat the pants that were in her hands down.
"I'll be back-Go ahead I got it from here." Devin said as Kira nodded and followed Jayla downstairs to the kitchen.
"So whats so important you had to talk to me about today?" Kira asked once they sat down at the bar.
"About Ben. I dont trust him and I dont think you should either- Wait Jayla let me stop you right there." Kira said looking at her as Jayla nodded.
"I dont get into my children's relationships because they are MY CHILDREN whatever Jordan and Melody has going on is between Jordan and Melody not Jordan, Melody, and the parents so if this what you came to talk to me about then you can leave." Kira said as Jayla snickered.
"Im just warning you that Ben is no good and i feel sorry for poor Melody but Congrats on another grandchild I see she gets it from her mother." Jayla said as Kira got up.
"Okay its time for you to leave." Kira warned her as she pointed towards the door.
"What I just- Get out my house Jayla." Kira said as Jayla got up and grabbed her purse.
"Take this as my warning." Jayla said as Kira grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door.
"Whats going on?" Brittney asked meeting them at the door as Jayla smirked.
"Your sister- Stay away from me and my family, take that as a warning." Kira said before walking away as Brittney looked at her.
"What just happened here?" Brittney asked as they walked out on the patio.
"She came over to talk to me about my child's relationship, I told her whatever Melody got going on is Melody's business I dont get into my children's relationships, mess, or whatever they have going on  and she tells me its a warning. Jayla has real problems." Kira explained as Brittney shook her head.
"Thats crazy this has been going on for years even when yall didn't have children so I dont think this is about Children. Maybe Jayla is jealous." Brittney said shrugging as Kira shook her head.
"Jealous of what?" Kira asked as Brittney looked at her.
"You know. Everytime its always about De or the money im telling you she has it out for you." Brittney said as Kira shook her head.
"Me and De arent even together we're divorced, He's just been here for the sake of our dead child and the money can't be Dee has just the same amount of money as Devin does." Kira said as Brittney shrugged.
"You're lying! Its all your face y'all back together, and Dee doesnt make as much as him though, Devin makes 10x more than him Im just saying you better watch her." Brittney said sipping her wine as Kira shook her head not interested in what else Brittney had to say about Jayla.

Kelsie pov
Kelsie walked out her bedroom in her robe and house slippers and followed the smell of breakfast roaming thru her house. She stopped to check to see if Bryson was woke but he wasnt in his crib, Kelsie thought none of it and just thought that Rafeal could have tooken him out. She continued to walk downstairs and saw Brianna in her kitchen with her son in her hands.
"Goodmorning." Brianna said as Kelsie took her baby out of her hands.
"Um Goodmorning." Kelsie said sitting at the bar as her sister passed her a plate of food.
"I already fed Bry Bry, he's such a good baby." Brianna said as Kelsie smiled.
"Yeah he's a quiet baby thanks, soooo how are you feeling?" Kelsie asked as Brianna shrugged.
"Good i love this house girls its so nice." Brianna said as Kelsie looked at her weirdly as if she was trying to change the topic.

Ben pov
Ben layed in bed looking at the ring he bought for Melody and day dreaming about how he was gonna propose to her. His phone rung knocking him out his thoughts as he grabbed it and saw it was his managers calling him again. Soon Ben would have to get back on the road and go on tour again so the few days he's been home he had been trying to make it up to Melody before leaving in the next couple of days. Ben grabbed his phone trying to call once again and still no answer. He called up Deavion to check up on how she was doing
Phone conversation
Deavion: what you got for me?
Ben: we leave out ina few days, you ready for your first tour my brother?
Deavion: they told me, hell yeah.
Ben: *chuckles.. how your sister?
Deavion: *sucks teeth. You didnt call me about business you called me about my sister didnt it?
Ben: I've been tryna reach her before we head out but she's still not talking to me.... ima give her space i just wanted to know was her and the baby good and did they need anything.
Deavion: they straight you know ima let you know
Ben: true ima hit you back my guy
Deavion: bet
End of conversation
Ben grabbed the ring and sat it in the top drawer before getting up to do his hygiene and heading to the studio.
I be busy with my personal life and along with writing a new book for y'all (COMING SOON) so be patient with me

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