"Don't you dare take another step fucker." Elijah says to me. However I'm not obligated to listen to him. When he sees me trailing after her I can hear him forcefully slam on the gate with his fists. "If you fuck this guy I will end him Nox! I'm warning you!"

She says nothing in response.

"I will fucking obliterate you if you touch her!" He yells.

"Well shit, there goes the neighborhood with his cries for help." Nox says and opens the door to her apartment. I stand in the doorway as she steps inside. Her whack job of an ex is still screaming empty threats at me but I ignore that noise pollution. "Go back to your apartment Jimin." Nox tells me half heartedly.

"Are you gonna be okay?" I ask and I hear footsteps echo in the house.

Her eyes scream that she's in pain. Those jade jewels are suffering behind all the frowns and the tough attitudes "Yeah," she whispers.

"Nox?" Axel chimes from behind her. "What the hell was Elijah doing here at this hour?" When he notices me he smiles a little. "Hey neighbor."

"You can go now Jimin." Nox says and pushes Axel aside. "I'll talk to you later." Her eyes fall on the floor and her fingers caress the door's cold surface.

She wants to be alone right now. That's understandable. I turn around to walk away when she suddenly grabs my arm. Her mouth is agape, but nothing comes out. Her eyes are glimmering and she's glaring at me like she's attempting to communicate with me telepathically. I don't say a thing because I don't want to frighten her or make her feel uncomfortable.

"Shit," Nox gasps. "I'm sorry." She immediately lets go of my arm.

"It's alright." I assure her and those jades twinkle.

"I—I should go." She breathes then shuts the door on my face for the second time.

I take my leave and decide to go back into my apartment. After three flights of stairs, I've finally reached my floor and I fish out my key. I'm quite surprised to see Yoongi stand outside my apartment with his hands in his pockets, his gaze fixed on the floor.

"Hey what's up?" I greet and he looks at me.

"I saw what happened at the gate." He says swiftly. His eyes darken "Why did Elijah come by?"

"He wanted to speak to Nox." I reply and he snorts. "He's the abusive ex right?"

"Yeah," he mumbles.

You care for her. Good. Just don't catch feelings like that Asian dude did. I remember Elijah' words from before and I'm not sure if I should confront Yoongi about this.

"What did he say to you?" He inquires after a while. "You know, before he started screaming like a mad man."

He warned me to not catch feelings for Nox like you did. "He just kept pestering me to open the gate until Nox came along."

"It's a good thing you didn't Seven." Yoongi says. "Elijah has hurt her a lot and her brother is trying to pick up the pieces even though she's the one taking care of him."

"You care for her—for Nox." I comment.

"She might seem like she doesn't need help but  everytime she says she's 'fine' it's like a cry for help."

I noticed that too. "I think that applies for everyone. When someone says 'I am fine' it means 'save me'."

"Is it bad that I want to save her even though she doesn't accept help from anyone?" Yoongi asks.

"It's human nature to care about someone." I say. "I think it's very kind of you that you want to help her."

Yoongi looks at me, his eyes shimmering with hope. "Did she say anything to you? I trust that you didn't say anything about me telling you about him."

"Relax, I didn't say anything to her." I assure him. "It's a good thing that you told me about Elijah. Otherwise, I would have opened the gate and Nox would be in trouble now."

"Huh." he breathes. "You're totally right Seven."

"I'm gonna go inside now." I say. "I have this article I need to re-write that is due for the day after tomorrow."

"Dude, you have the whole day to write your stuff tomorrow."

"I also need to proofread and edit."

"I also have an essay I'm expecting it will write itself." He nods. "'Night."

I chuckle at his laziness as I can relate with his procrastinating tendencies to a spiritual level. "See you tomorrow."

It was midnight when i wrote this so forgive me if this isn't as good.

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