24 | can i ask you a favor?

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"So, what you're saying is that Evelyn told that Yoongi guy to deliver your old shinai at your place and he just hung it at the gate?" Taehyung asks me, his voice coming out in a low grunt as he does flat bench presses. He's lifting a 140 Lb. weight bar and he doesn't even break a sweat while I'm attempting to do three sets of an inclined press and I still have two more reps to go.

"Yeah, she called me earlier," I start and stop as I lift the dumbbells with my back leaned back. Bracing my core, I exhale and continue "and I told her that I was going to pass by her apartment to get it."

"Alright then what is the problem?"

"How do you think she even met Yoongi?"

"Dude." He turns his head towards me. "Don't go down that road again."

"What do you mean?"

"I know what is going on in your head now." He snaps. "You're guilty for setting her straight and now you're jealous."

"Jealous of what exactly?"

"The neighbor guy of yours who either looks like he came out of the shower or hasn't had a lick of sleep in weeks. Just drop it."

"I told him that she's off limits."

"But he isn't your friend anymore."

Once I complete the eighth set, I lift my body off the bench and look at my friend who's on his way to finish his ninth set of presses. "I'm just curious about how they met is all."

"What can I say man, I'm not. It's been two weeks and for all we know Evelyn could have forgotten all about him." Taehyung says and with that he finally places the weight on the bars when he gets up to face me. "Now let's talk about something more interesting than your ex like that pretty girl you brought with you at the club."

"You mean Nox?"

"She's hot."

She sure is something.

I haven't gotten the chance to talk to her over the course of the past two weeks, mostly because I was busy with work and uni while she has a life of her own. Besides, it's not like we're close friends or anything. She only wanted to treat me as an apology for what happened at Sam's house. She doesn't owe me anything.

"Are you two close?"

I shake my head and he quirks a brow. "Not really."

"You two seemed pretty close in the club." He comments with a smirk. Together we get up from the benches and head towards the vending machine to purchase some cold water.

"That's because we were in a dancefloor filled with wasted people." Whether we liked it or not we had to be close.

"Jesus, I'm just going to get straight to the point otherwise we will stay here forever." He snaps. "Are you into her? Because if you're not I'll shoot my shot."

"I can't tell you what you can or can't do Tae, but why are you even asking me?" I inquire. It's not like I have a shot with Nox.

"Just wanted to make sure, because you seem comfortable around her."

"I barely know her." Plus, she's my neighbor. If we happen to end up on bad terms somehow, I'll be forced to move again or worse, have to face her for the rest of my stay.

Taehyung downs almost half of his water bottle and we head towards the locker rooms. "Is there any chance I can come by your apartment to ask her out?"

"You aim for the jugular, don't you?" I remark and he grins gleefully. "Sure, you can come by anytime you want."

"Better yet, you can do something else for me Jimin." Taehyung says suggestively. "You can always close a massage appointment so that she can lust over these cannons."

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