49 | moonshine

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Cassie listened to me talk as I told her about the incident with Evelyn and how her suicide attempt, resulted in Yoongi's accident in Azure Street. She didn't intervene nor did she interrupt me as I narrated the course of events as she quietly munched on some hot Cheetos at the corner of the couch. I even told her about Evelyn's mental illness and how the situation with her uncle triggered her even further. To my surprise, she didn't even try to badmouth Evelyn considering that she never liked her in the first place. Instead, she passed me the last of her flaming hot Cheetos and gave me a consoling hug.

"I didn't realize that much was going on with her." She mutters. "And about that neighbor of yours; is he doing okay at least? What happened with the truck driver that hit him?"

"I haven't seen him in a while because exams are approaching." I mutter. "And about the truck driver, he has an insurance claim. The police sought for a lawsuit or insurance claim in order to establish the driver's fault for the accident and since the driver was proved that he wasn't negligent, the fault immediately fell onto Evelyn, but Yoongi somehow managed to convince the police that whatever damage was caused because of the driver, he would be the one to take care of it, let it be medical expenses, lost wages and property damage to the vehicle."

"I don't understand, since it was clearly Evelyn the one who crossed the road when the crosswalk was red, she was the one who basically led Yoongi into crossing with her." Cassie points out. "Therefore, in technical terms, the accident was caused because of her."

"She wasn't in her right mind." I defend.

"Even so, it's completely unfair for your neighbor to pay the consequences. How rich is he anyway?"

I snort. "He's rich enough to snort white lines from his toilet lid."

"What is his occupation?"

"He's majoring in Computer Science and has a Youtube channel. Other than that, he barely leaves his house and likes to smoke weed in his bathtub. I can smell that shit from my apartment."

"Now that you've mentioned it, when I was in the hallway, I caught a green whiff." Cassie notices.

"There's more where that came from."

"I see, you've been having a good time," she remarks. "Must be nice to have easy access to the mellow stuff."

"I haven't tried any of the mellow stuff." I tell her while munching on some hot Cheetos. "And I'm not planning to either."

"Aw, come on darling why don't you let yourself have fun?" She moons. "Wanna smoke a spliff with me? We can steal some of your neighbor's good shit." Her liquid brown eyes twinkle in excitement as she leans closer to me on the couch. She bats her lashes and pouts her lips as an attempt to make me crumble but, it just makes her face look hilariously distorted.

"That won't work on me Cassie."

"You do realize that his drugs are only going to sit in his apartment for the remaining four weeks of his treatment, right?"

"You do realize that snatching his drugs from his apartment is considered breaking and entering right?" I return.

"I have an idea!" She beams. "I want to go out."

"That's not an idea, that's a statement."

"No, dumbass. I can call my friends from the frat house and we can all hang or something." She suggests. "You can bring Tae and Sam and the other guy who always looks down on the floor when I'm around."

"Dylan, and he has social anxiety."

"It's Devil's Night and I'm pretty sure that they're busy getting wasted all damn day." She murmurs. "Let's have some fun! Please? It would be a shame to stay cooped up in your apartment all night."

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