Vol 1. Back To Where It All Began #10

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~ Flashback moment ~

"Hey! Little girl? Are you all right?!" A worried voice reached out to the young Amy. Little does Erza know that her name is Amy, nor does she know how long Amy must have been here, helpless and alone..
"Please, answer me. What happened to you?" Erza tries to wake her up by shaking the little girl. The young Erza does not seem to have a choice. She picks the girl up and searched for a place to shelter from the bad weather.

Erza soon managed to find a cave nearby. There she tries to wake up little Amy. "Little girl?" Erza spoke to her. A sound of discomfort escaped from Amy. She also began to squeeze her eyes. Without any strength left in her little body, Amy managed to say something.
"F-io.. re.." Erza looks up, somewhat shocked.
"Did you say Fiore? Are you from Fiore?!" But Amy couldn't answer Erza's question.
"I am from Fiore. I can take you back there!"
Amy repeats herself.
"Fio.. re.." Erza was sure of it. This girl must go with her to Fiore, but how? She did bring her cargo cart with her, but there is hardly any place for the little girl.

Erza had made up her mind. She would carry the girl, whilst pulling her cargo as well.
During her journey back to Maglonia, little Amy managed to say something else. But at first, Erza could not make out what she said. And even though she might not even get an answer, she asked anyway..
"What is it? Do you need anything?" It takes a few seconds for Amy to respond. Her answer sent shivers down Erza's spine.
"F-airy.. Tai-l.."

~ Present time ~

A tear rolls down Amy's cheek.. If it wasn't for Erza, she would have died in the forest. Erza would tell the story so many times while Amy was being nursed by Porlyusica.. She never realized how close she was to the place where she was found.
"I guess I suppressed that experience.." She speaks to herself.

Amy turns around, facing the forest she stands in and finds a small, shadow figure in front of her. It's eyes glow a little, but it's expression tells Amy that this figure is lost. Just like she was 4 years ago.. Amy wipes away her tears and kneels down. She reaches out for the shadow figure.
"Are you lost little friend?"
At first the figure backed down a few steps, but soon it seems to realize that Amy does not mean any harm. It sniffs Amy's hand and makes a cute squeaky sound.
"Do you need my help?" Amy proposed. The shadow figure's expression turns sad. It hangs its head down and nods. Amy takes a little step closer.
"Don't be scared. I'll call for help." As she speaks gently to the figure, it places its head against her head, as if it wanted to be comforted with petting.

"Light of the stars.. Grant us guidance.. Hoshi no Hikari." Amy casts this spell once more. Just like the times before, an anomaly appeared in front of them. The shadow figure begins to hide behind Amy, making a few fear-like noises.
"It's okay, little one. The light won't hurt you.." Amy speaks to comfort the figure.
"Light of the stars. Please grant this poor being a way home for it does not belong on the earthland."
"The map in the sky will guide it. All it needs to do, is accept.." The anomaly speaks. An arm of light reaches out from the anomaly to the shadow. Amy turns her upper body towards the shadow, placing her hands around its face.
"Go home.. My friend."
The shadow figure closes its eyes and reaches back for the anomaly.

With a blinding light the anomaly shoots back up to the starry heaven. Soon after, a shooting star appears, lighting up the night sky for a second. A soft voice can be heard.
"Thank you, my friend."


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