Vol 1. Back To Where It All Began #4

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Amy managed get back to Illa within no time. First thing she tries is checking in at his house. She knocks really loud this like, even calling his name.

"Moby sir?! Are you home? I need your help!" but no one answers.. It's already getting a little dark outside. She checks the area for any witnesses. Not a soul.. Amy takes a deep breath and within a second she blasts out the front door.
"Moby sir?" She calls for him again. The place looks really deserted, as if no one has been here for years. Amy starts to investigate. She lights a candle or two and she checks out the rooms.
"Where are you Moby?" Amy whispers to herself. There is nothing in the kitchen or in the living room.. Maybe upstairs.. The steps are weak, they make a lot of cracking sounds which echo through the entire house..
"Moby sir? It's me, Amy!"...

A lot of essential belongings are gone. There is hardly any clothing in the closet, the sheets on the bed are a mess.. He must have left off one day and did not return.. But why?

She enters the next room, which looks like a little office room. There are some bookshelves on the wall, but with very little books on them. The desk is stained and dusty, there is leakage on the ceiling..
"I swear, if I slam a door too hard this roof might will come down.."

Amy checked about every drawer, every cabinet and closet.. Every room and around the house.. All that is left, is the basement..
"I hate basements.." She speaks as she tries to unlock the door. Amy found a ring with keys earlier and tries all of them on this one door. Many attempts later, Amy finally got to the right key. She opens the door and the first thing she sees is a dust cloud and bugs, flying right into her face. Amy coughs loudly and waves her hands around her face to get rid of the dust cloud. It's really damn dark down in the basement.. Amy decides to take a few more candle sticks before heading down. Once Amy steps off the last step, she sees another desk. There is a typewriter on it.. A very old one too. She sighs..
"This isn't funny.. Where are you?!"

Suddenly a light appears on the desk, near the typewriter. Amy is heavily startled and she grabs for her chest, instantly panting. The light does not move, there is no sound coming from it either..
"Where did you come from?" Amy asks into the room. Nothing.. Amy carefully begins to walk towards the little orb of light and she notices an envelope with her name on it.. Suddenly Amy grabs for the letter, whilst keeping her eye on the orb which still does not do anything but lighten the room a little.. Amy feels weird. What does one do when an orb of light appears? Do you thank it? Do you just leave or can it be taken with you?

"Ehm.. Thanks, little orb?" Amy speaks. Her facial expression isn't changing. She is rather disturbed by this appearance and gets even more conflicted when the orb suddenly floats towards Amy. What is she supposed to do? But the orb knows what it wants, it slowly floats towards the stairs and heads to the basement door. Amy follows it, she wants to get out of this house..

About an hour later, Amy sits in the little barn next to the house. The orb is still there, providing her with enough light to open the sealed letter. It's sealed with Letter magic, which was one of the abilities Moby taught her. Luckily for Amy, the code is filled with the mnemonics that helped her learn this type of magic rather quick. But that isn't the only luck she's got this night. She brought one of her finest quills made for Letter magic. A sprinkle of magic particles confirm that Amy successfully decoded the seal. She begins to read his letter.

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