Vol 4. A Night To Remember. #9

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Lily had made some tea for Amy. Gajeel is taking a shower in the mean time.
"Are you sure you wish to head home? I heard that tonight's weather will be similar to last night.." Lily tries to convince Amy.
"I have too. I can't stay here forever." She replies gently.
"If you change your mind, you must know you are always welcome."
"Really?" She asks nervously.
"Of course, Gajeel said so himself." Amy's body is starting to heat up.
'Should I..? Would that be sensible?' Amy thinks to herself.
"I really think I should go home Lily, but thanks." She hugs the Exceed genuinely.
"Let us walk you home at least." A deeper voice interrupts them. Gajeel is standing in the doorway with only a towel around his waist, covering his privet parts. In his hands he's holding another towel to dry his long black hair.
Amy could not help herself but to throw one of the cushions at him.
"Put some clothes on, you pervert!"

Moments later Gajeel had dressed himself properly and Amy was ready to head back home.
"If you ever need to get out of the dorm, or out of the guild.." Gajeel spoke. "Here."
He throws a key in Amy's direction. She catches it and looked down into her hands.
"What is it?" She asks carefully.
"A spare key to my house.." Gajeel answers with a blush.
"But.. I-I can't possibly.."
"I don't care, it's yours." He interrupts Amy's stuttering. He steps towards her, placing his hand on her head.
"Just know that you'll have a place to hide when you need one."

~ Flashback moment ~

"Amy? Where are you?" Her older siblings yell. Amy giggles as she is hidden in plain sight. As long as no one makes physical contact with her, she's safe.
"This isn't fun anymore.. You're always cheating!" They yell as they search the entire courtyard for her.
"Amy is the best!" Amy's younger siblings yell.
"I wish I could win hide and seek like Amy!"
"Come on, children, it's time to go back inside. Amy, you won, come out now." Amy's mother speaks loud but gentle as she slowly walks further into the courtyard.
"Why don't you show yourself? Your new baby brother or sister is kicking me to find you."
Highly pregnant she walks further. Amy knew her mother had amazing hearing, but she can't hold her giggle and gives her position away.
With a smooth breeze, Amy's mother shoots a revealing spell to her daughter. It tingles Amy, causing her to giggle even more.
"Mother always wins." Amy's eldest sister yells irritated.
"No, Amy always wins." Amy's mother correct her as she brushes some hair out of Amy's face.
"Mommy!" Amy carefully jumps in her mother's arms.
"Know that you'll always have a place to hide." Her mother speaks to her gently.

~ Present time ~

Amy can't help but tear up a little. She misses her mom.. After her baby sister was born, her mom died about a week later. Having to lose her mother at such a young age, is one of the reasons she closed up. Containing everything to herself..
"Did he say something stupid?" Lily assumes, whilst hovering next to Amy with his arms crossed. Amy wipes away the tears and shakes her head.
"On the contrary, it's one of the sweetest things anyone ever said to me." She speaks as she looks to Lily. Lily smiles back.
"You're a silly girl, you know that." Gajeel speaks with a grin on his face.

Lily proposed to Gajeel that he alone should walk her home and that Lily would wait here. Lily also suggests that they should use the daylight and clear sky while they can, leaving the choice to them.
Gajeel takes his proposal and he guided Amy home.

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