Vol 4. A Night To Remember. #3

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Lily sat down on the bed near Amy's feet. He sure is curious why Gajeel puts so much effort into her. The Exceed is also doubting his expectations about Gajeel and Levy. He is somehow certain that Levy likes Gajeel, for whatever reason.. Yet he has noticed something more between Amy and Gajeel.
"She's gotten a place in your heart already and you both don't seem to notice.." Lily talks to himself.

Thunder is still raging in the sky and it seems to effect Amy. She's frowning. Lily quietly observes the girl's facial expression whilst listening closely to the sounds from outside. Every distant rumble or strike of lightning seems to reach her even though the basement is highly soundproofed.. Lily is struggling a little bit, he too fears thunder, but less than Amy.. Should he wake her up or not? In fact, he is struggling with that thought so much that he didn't even notice Gajeel coming down the stairs again.
"I really wish I could help her.. But I feel like she's never going to tell what her deal is.." Gajeel speaks.
"Patience might do wonders for you two." Lily replies.
"She's extremely fragile.. That's all I know about her.." Gajeel walks to Amy and sits down by the bed. He studies her.
"Do you care for her?" Lily asks, already convinced he can fill in the answer himself. Gajeel stays quiet, running his hand through her hair again.
"I think I do.. I just don't know why." Gajeel answers as he looks away from Amy. This isn't like him. He never felt this way before in his entire life. His hand is repeatedly running through her hair and in the corner of his eye, he can see the frustration in Amy slowly disappear.

The minutes are slowly passing by. Gajeel is feeling tired. It has been hours since he brought her into his house. Lily had fallen asleep on the end of the bed a little earlier. As badly as he wants to go to bed, he just can't leave her, but he also does not want to disturb her by waking her up..
Gajeel is looking around his basement, he wishes he had another matras or a lounge chair down there.
If only the thunder would have stopped while Amy was awake they could have slept upstairs. Even though the sky is quite at ease now, he just can't wake both Amy and Lily.

A few moments later he hears Amy moan, but not like the last time. She seems to be waking up.
"Amy?" Gajeel whispered. She opens her eyes.
"Gaj-eel.." She rubs her eyes whilst saying his name.
"What time is it..?" She asks.
"I don't know, but I'm sure it's the middle of the night." He grins. "How are you feeling?" Amy yawns as she tries to sit up.
"Tired.. I must have fallen asleep in the middle of your story." She pouts.
"Nah, I was rapping it up anyway. You didn't miss much."
"Have you been up all the time?" She asks him.
"Yeah, I didn't want to leave you alone but I didn't want to wake you either." Gajeel answered whilst scratching the back of his head. The next few seconds went really fast as Amy is standing in front of him, holding Lily and reaching out to him.
"Let's go up stairs."

Amy puts Lily on the couch and tucks the little exceed in. She even pat his head before walking to Gajeel's bedroom. She finds Gajeel hesitating.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know." He answers. He avoids eye contact with her. Amy feels her stomach turn.
"Should I.. Euhm.. L-leave?" She asks quietly.
"What?! No, it's the middle of the night!" Shocked by his response, she looks down and tries to hold back unnecessary emotions. She hears Gajeel sigh.
"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong.." He adds. He walks towards Amy and gently places his hand on her shoulder. "I just want you to be safe.. That's all.. "

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