Vol 1. Back To Where It All Began #6

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Amy had spent the night in the barn next to Moby's house. She couldn't sleep, even though she was exhausted. The words in his letter still echo through her mind. The main thing she could not get over is the fact that her family basically abducted him! Amy feels both furious and confused as her thoughts are going round in circles.
At the same time, Amy is trying to figure out how she will decipher those spells. She could ask Levy, although Levy can hardly keep a secret.. The way those spells are coded is ancient. Amy was supposed to learn about this ancient code from Moby as soon as she was able to prove herself.

Unlike Letter Magic, this kind of language is very hard to understand.. Not to mention decipher a whole spell explanation correctly! Faces and names pass by in her mind, thinking who will be able to help her AND keep it to him- or herself..

Hours pass by, but sleep seems to be far fetched.. Amy has been tossing and turning ever since she lay down. She could see the sky and stars through a few cracks in the wooden roof. It seems like the sky is clear tonight. The humidity is a little higher, there is barely any wind and the outside temperature has dropped a little lower than usual.. Luckily Amy had placed herself in a pile of hay and straw, wrapped in her thick cloak. That way she hardly noticed anything from the temperature dropping.

Every once in a few minutes she could hear birds fly over, an owl calling quietly, or even a mouse rustle through the hay. It's too bad those sounds aren't enough to distract Amy from her thoughts. At this point, if she does not find a way to control it, Amy could develop an anxiety attack from over thinking and panicking.

And so it was said and done as Amy could not ease her mind. She begins to panic and digs herself deeper into the pile, even casting her moon dust to hide herself.. In moments like these, Amy would sometimes wish to could actually disappear into nothingness. She believes her thoughts are deadly, poisonous and extremely negative. All of her courage seem to go up in smoke, as if she never had any..

Finally Amy found a way to fall asleep, but her dreams are far from peaceful.. Nightmares, trauma's from her past haunt her. She's being tortured, yelled at, threatened to be killed brutally when, after minutes of trying to wake up from her nightmare, she gets stabbed multiple times before she manages to open her eyes. Waking up whilst screaming, scaring all sorts of tiny animals that spend the night in the same barn..
Sweat is dripping of her forehead, she's panting and out of breath.. As if she ran a freaking marathon she never trained for..

Amy notices the sun rising as the sky is starting to slowly light up. She's crying. She never got up from the pile of straw. Instead, she rolled over to face away from the light and pulled her cloak further over her head. Dog tired she tries to rest some more, hoping to find peace with this situation..

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