Vol 2. No Longer Strangers. #7

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"Oi, Gajeel. Are you alright? You barely said anything since we left." Lily asks.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." But Gajeel still sounds cranky.
"Is it Levy?" Lily doesn't have a clue what happened last night. He believed Gajeel and Levy might end up together as a romantic couple. The signs are all very clear to him. Gajeel ignores the question though, he's still somewhat hung up to the fact that he is developing feelings for Amy.
"You should talk about this Gajeel. As soon as you do, you'll feel better." Lily's statement isn't wrong, but Gajeel has never opened up like that before. Luckily for Gajeel, no one expects him to open up, that is completely up to him to do or not.

As Gajeel is thinking things through, they are about to enter a small town just in front of Mountain Village.
"Oi, Lily." the Exceed turns to Gajeel.
"Wanna grab a bite before we do this job?"
"That's a good idea, lets get some fuel into that mechanism of yours."

Haha, very funny, because Gajeel is an Iron Dragon Slayer and mechanisms contain mostly iron or steel. But Gajeel isn't offended. He is quite proud to be the type of Dragon Slayer he is, but he keeps it to himself though, being arrogant is one thing he can not stand!

A great privilege of being a dragon slayer, is being able to eat like you're bottomless and not get fat. A dragon slayer is always full of energy and will use up all the nutrients they store. Thats why, when he's training, he eats almost 5 times the amount of what he normally eats. Believe it or not, but it can be both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time.
Even Pantherlily is making sure he eats enough. It is because he's not feeling well that he has to make sure he receives enough nutrients for his body to recover.

"Okay, so where can we find this mister?" Gajeel asks while stuffing his mouth.
"Really Gajeel? Did you not read the description?" Lily asks with a little disappointment. It takes a minute for Gajeel to realize how stupid he must sounded. It has been a while since he went out on jobs alone, like back when he was still in Phantom Lord and before the whole Edolas event. After that he quickly added Pantherlily to his team.
"Did you even bring the job request?" Lily asks.
"Yes, yes. Here.." Gajeel takes out the request and hands it to Pantherlily. He reads the description.. Most important is that they have to find Jacobus in the southern library of Mountain Village.
"But Gajeel, are you gonna tell me what's going on with you or not?" Lily asks out of the blue. Gajeel looks confused.
"What are you talking about Lily? I told you, I'm fine."
"Then why did you make Amy upset last night?" Gajeel almost chokes in his food.
"Upset?! I only give her back the pencil she threw! She's just a crybaby! I can't help it that she is easily spooked!" Gajeel shouts, defending the fact that he actually likes this girl despite being a 'crybaby'. Lily laughs.
"You win, you're fine!" Lily continues to eat his meal.
"Tsk, I told you so." Gajeel continues as well.
'I can't believe he bought that!'

It's been hard enough to hide his feelings for Amy, even when he should be trusting his Exceed, Pantherlily, with it. It's just something that can not be done as Gajeel and Pantherlily are currently in battle with the mountain beast. It's not like the apes of Mt. Hakobe, not at all! They have defeated up to ten of these beasts but both are running out of strength and there is nothing they can do to regenerate. They just have to pull through, hoping this will be the last one.. Only this one is far stronger than the ones they've defeated...

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