Vol 1. Back To Where It All Began #5

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The letter contains a message from Moby himself and some instructions in code.

"Dear Amy,                              February 21st, X783..

I do not know when you'll find this, or if you ever do.. But if you do, you must feel somewhat distraught since I have not been able to let you know of my departure. 

The King, your father, had sent his knights to pick me up. He is looking for you throughout the entire continent. I will try my best to sent him off on a false lead. I sincerely hope he'll fall for it, buying you more time to come up with a plan..

I quickly destroyed all books containing magic spells, only to add a few to this letter, just for you. These are same spells I taught one of my precious apprentices, you might have met him by now. He goes by the name of Mystogan, I strongly believe he's also in that guild of yours. I don't know a lot about him besides that he prefers to use staffs.
Do you best to find him and practice these spells well. I'm sure you'll do outstanding! You have been such a great student, a wonderful magician.

I can not tell you how long I'll be gone, nor can I confirm if I will ever return to my humble home. All I can advise is that you always cover up your royal birthmark, never tell anyone that you are in fact a runaway princess, find a place to live and hide if needed and maybe even change your appearance.. If you truly do not wish to return to Pergrande Kingdom, make sure they won't ever find you wherever you are!

Do not worry for me, I will be fine. Your grandfather and I were close friends, your father will not hurt me or anything.. But I'm sure your father will not hesitate in keeping me as long as needed..

Lastly, I need you to find a new teacher, in case I never return.. There is an elderly woman who lives at the most northern end of Seven, within the hills, where the land does not go any further north. She is my twin sister and goes by the name of Rina. I have sent a letter towards her that you might visit her, as soon as you read this letter.

The spark attached to this letter, who helped you find it in the first place, is also linked to my sister. She will be notified that you have found my letter.

I wish you the best of luck! May you become the most brilliant Cosmic Celestial mage of all time!

Your friend and teacher..

Tears fall on the paper, Amy is furious.. Why can't she live the life she longs for.. And why does everything she cares for need to be taken away..

The coded instructions are the spells he mentioned. She must translate them soon in order to find out what kind of spells they are exactly, how and when one must use them and how to train these spells..

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