~BREAK~ Recap Chapter

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Hi guys!! I hope you are enjoying this story so far. I am still in school, studying and all so I don't always have time to write, Although I am trying to always write ahead.

As you guys may have noticed: I write for the long way! I love a good story and personally I can re-read so many stories, both Manga and non-picture books. I hope you guys are here for the long way too because I planned to create an entire new storyline on top of the existing Fairy Tail original.
You will read most about Gajeel and Amy, their adventures alone and their adventures together without bending the original storyline too much.

But, you may also noticed that Amy is a very anxious and complicated person. These past 5 volumes happen right between the Edolas Arc and the S-Class Trial.
Due to Amy's traveling, she was never sucked into Edolas. Mainly because she wasn't in Fiore at the time so the Anima could not suck her in to Edolas.
Also, in the first Volume you have read a letter that was addressed to Amy mentioning her father being the king of her home country.. This makes Amy a freaking princess. She has a royal birthmark on her left upper shoulder, which is basically a gem or diamond with a crown around it. It's not a big birthmark so its easy to cover up. In some occasions Amy would even conseal it with make-up.

The whole deal between Gajeel and Amy is that both are too insecure about trusting others, yet they feel extremely attracted to each other based on the energy they emit. Gajeel is only behaving like the way I describe him because of Amy's weaknesses.
Like Natsu always has the urge to protect Lucy, Gajeel has the constant urge to protect Amy.

Amy is a Heavenly Body Celestial mage. This type of magic is also classified as Caster Magic. She can not use Celestial keys like Lucy, also known as Holder Magic, without excessive training but she can cast Unison Raid, which (basically) every mage/wizard can cast as long as the bond between two (or more) mages/wizards is strong enough.
If joined by another Celestial type mage or wizard, Amy should be able to cast Urano Metria and Gottfried as well. But, Amy is not ready to cast these spells due to her lack of trust and confidence.

Amy's lack of trust and confidence is based on her childhood. This came from within her big family and thanks to extremely abusive teachers and their methods, she lost trust and grew an almost chronic anxiety and depression at a very young age. Her nightmares resemble the abusive experiences and her dangerous journeys before making it to safety.
The family hierarchy fell apart when the queen died shortly after giving birth to Amy's baby sister which led to a lot of changes, especially involving the interaction with all the royal children.

I also mentioned how Erza had saved her life, this is when she first trusted a stranger. Luckily for Amy, Erza was about the same age and knew exactly how tough it is to regain trust. In the first weeks while Amy was being treated by Porlyusica, Erza stopped by almost daily. Erza was the first person in Fairy Tail that Amy was able to trust.
Eventually she grew close with just a few other members, but next to Erza, she only trusted Makarov.

A lot has happened in Amy's life and to make sure you can understand her a little bit better, I will often throw in a back story chapter in which you can read about Amy's past.

One other thing you will notice is how Levy will continue having a crush on Gajeel. She will do exactly the same things as she did in the original story but Gajeel isn't as attracted to her as he is to Amy. He sees Levy like a sister.

I will continue writing as general as possible and I will try to involve more of the guild members as I go on. I like the original events in Fairy Tail itself which I will use as well, but of course with Amy and Gajeel in the spotlight as main characters.
I am not sure how extensive I will go with the original events, mainly because you (most likely) have seen the Anime and/or read the Manga, so you already know what happens in the original storyline.
I will try my best in creating a refreshing experience about Amy and Gajeel's relationship development. This also means that, further along in this Fanfiction their relationship will become more detailed, almost like a Lemon Fanfiction.

I hope you like my Fanfiction so far and I will get back to you in the next recap chapter.
Thank you all for reading and voting! ❤️

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