Vol 6. Let The Tutoring Begin. #4

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Later that day, Amy chose to open up a little to Gajeel. She tells him about Moby and how he taught her almost everything she knows. Although she leaves out some very specific details, the main story of Moby and her is told truthfully.
Somehow Amy's energy feels a little less troubled than before. Gajeel isn't the only who noticed, even Panther Lily feels it.

"I don't know what happened yesterday. All I can remember is that I went to Porlyusica's house, to meditate and at some point.. Everything went dark. I can't remember anything from that moment on.." Amy suddenly changes the subject.
"How did I end up at your place?" She asks Gajeel.
"Well eh.." Gajeel looks at Lily for a moment, but he just smiles back at him.
"At some point, while Lily and I were at the guild, Erza and her 'gang' brought you in. Then you were taken to Master's office and a little while later, Erza took you outside." Gajeel explains. Amy tilts her head, questioning why she does not recall any of this.
"At that moment, Lily and I walked out as well and I saw Erza heading towards the dormitory with you. So I sent Lily home and I followed you.."

Amy tries to picture everything Gajeel tells her.
"You had this emotionless look in your eyes. It worried us." Lily pitches in.
"And during your way home, you even collapsed a few times. It looked like you had forgotten how to walk." Gajeel adds.
"Erza had to carry you up the hill, you seemed to have lost all strength. Which is weird considering that you walked out on your own after Erza dropped you off. You even had your dust-thing on. It was because of your scent that I knew.."

Amy listens carefully to Gajeel's explanation. Somehow she feels the butterflies act up. It tingles her.
'Whoa.. He really seems to care..'
"So, yeah, that brings us here.." Gajeel ends the story. Amy listened to every word he spoke but doesn't seem to care anymore. All that matters is that she can go move on a little more.
She gently grabs his hand and leans on his shoulder.
"Thank you."
"No problem, tiny."

Later that day they decided to head to the guild. Soon after they enter, Amy is immediately called by Levy.
"Amy-chan!" She swings herself around Amy.
"Whoa Levy, what's going on?" Amy asked the blue haired bookworm.
"I was so worried. You came in with Erza and the others yesterday and you were looking so bad.. I almost thought you got sick or that you were injured! And then, after you were in Master's room, you were taken outside by Erza so then I thought you were expelled!" Levy is on the edge of crying.
"Oh my, calm down Levy, I just had a rough day yesterday." Amy nervously explained quickly.
"Amy! It's good to see you're doing better already." Erza speaks. Apparently she had just approached Amy.
"Erza, thank you so much!" Amy then hugs her. Titania didn't expect an embrace from Amy, but she accepts it anyway by hugging her back.
"You're welcome."

Even Mirajane went to see how Amy is doing. She suddenly noticed how many members of the guild care for her. Yesterday was the first time Amy had walked in looking like she did.
Many people showed up to her to tell her how glad they are to see her being fine.

Amy begins to tear up. This guild, this family, despite the fact that Amy had been away most of the time- she is just as much part of this family as any other member.
"It's alright Amy." Lucy spoke.
"You're one of us. When you suffer, we suffer. When you're happy, we're happy." Lucy knows all too well how Amy feels now. Especially when you realize she was hunted down by Phantom Lord, blamed herself and yet, no one else would ever blame her. They fought for her and they would fight for anyone.
Amy embraces Lucy.
"We'll always be right here when you need us." Wendy added to the conversation.

'One bad day.. And everyone was worried already..' She thinks to herself.
"Thanks everyone!" Amy speaks with teared up eyes and an honest smile.

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