Vol 3. Promises. #6

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The next morning Amy woke up and found herself to be alone.
'Was it all a dream? Didn't he sleep next to me?' Amy steps out of bed. She walks out of the bedroom and looks around but neither Gajeel nor Pantherlily seem to be home. Did they just leave her? She sits down on the couch.
"Where could they be?" She looks down, she's still wearing Gajeel's shirt. She can't help herself but sniff the collar of his shirt, it still kinda smells like him. Her bubble is bursting when someone knocks on the front door.
"Amy-chan! Are you in here? Gajeel sent me!" Amy smiles gratefully when she opens the door. It's Levy!

"Thank you so much for letting me back in, Levy!" Amy says satisfied when Levy opens the front door of the dorm.
"That's okay, you would have done the same for me." Levy replies whilst walking to Amy's bedroom.
"But I don't really understand, why didn't you throw a pebble or a small rock at my window? You know where my room is, right?" Levy's question seems fair.
"I never thought of doing that to be honest.. I never want to bother anyone, I guess.." Amy replies.
"Amy, we're friends, aren't we?" Levy suddenly asks her.
"Of course we are!"
"Then stop thinking we'd be bothered if you need a favor, dummy!" Levy confronts her whilst smiling genuinely.

"Did you bring your keys this time?" Levy jokes as they head out, adding a wink.
"Yes, yes!" Amy laughs along with Levy. Although she wouldn't mind spending another night with Gajeel, but she can't risk being too obvious.
"So, are you going to tell me what happened? Since when is Gajeel a gentleman that helps out, as he'd say, weak girls like us?" Levy seems to be dying to know what happened last night.
"I ehm.. I just locked myself out. So I went to the guild, but no one was there.. and Gajeel found me.." Amy lies.
"And it was late already, I was scared someone might make fun of me.. Or worse.." Levy isn't buying the whole story, but she takes it anyway. She knows Amy is extremely shy and easily scared or embarrassed, so Levy sees no reason to question her further.

"Anyway, Levy, thank you for saving my ass, but I have to say thanks to Gajeel too. I'll see you later at the guild, alright?" Amy smiles and parts from Levy. Amy starts running towards Gajeel's place. Lucky for Amy, Gajeel his house is quite near the guild, just like her own. It takes maybe 10 minutes for Amy to get there but when she does, she can't find the strength to knock. She hesitates, should she or should she not. Will he think that she might force anything onto him? Should she just leave instead?
'Eeeh.. What should I do..?'

Suddenly the door cracks open.
"I thought I smelled a mystery girl! Geehee!" "Gaj-eel.." He steps aside to let her in.
"So what brings you here?" Gajeel asks while they sit down.
"Amy. How are you doing today?" Lily asks as well.
"Hi Lily, I'm doing fine." She answers.
"I'll go make some tea." Lily gets up from the couch and walks to the kitchen.
"So, did you forget something here? It's uncommon for me to get casual visits from anyone." Gajeel speaks.
"No, that's not it.." She answers. "I ehm.. I want to ehm.." Amy struggles to find the right way to thank him. "I guess I owe you.. for last night."
Gajeel looks at her with a funny expression and asks her "Why?"
"If you put it that way, we owed you when you saved our asses at Phoenix Mountain." Lily adds as he brings in a cup of tea for Amy. She never thought of that.
"Besides, you guys are comrades. It's only natural to help each other out."
"Lily is right, Amy. You don't owe us anything." Gajeel says as he leans back in his chair.

After Amy finished her tea, she thanks them for their hospitality.
"And Gajeel.." She speaks softly as she stepped outside.
"Thanks again for last night."

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