Vol 6. Let The Tutoring Begin. #5

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It has been a few days and Amy chose to continue her tutoring with Porlyusica in order to get more control of her magic usage. At the same time, Amy wants to figure out the remaining spells she has to decipher.
Right now is when she must really try to overcome some of her issues before learning a new spell or two.
After a good night sleep, or at least better then usual, she went to see Porlyusica again. She basically made Amy start with the same exercise they did two days ago. Meditation and breathing.
Porlyusica decided to test Amy's focus. While the mage sat just outside of the portion woman's house, Porlyusica began to do chores like wood chopping.. The older woman really pushes her fysical strength and yells brutally every time.

'Breathing in.. Breathing out..' Amy repeats to herself. As her young face does show little aggravation, she must remain calm and focused. Porlyusica also warned Amy that if she got distracted from training, she would be dealing with helping out in all of Porlyusica's chores, and it wouldn't be quite that much fun.

"Stupid people, always coming around unannounced.. Wanting a potion or some help.." Porlyusica mumbles to herself whilst dusting a carpet. There's a lot more mumbling coming from the old lady, which kind of irritates Amy.
'Breathe Amy.. Just breathe..'

And the day continues. Amy sat out her session of today. Dog tired and breaking in sweats, she thanked Porlyusica and headed home. Little by little, she has to open all the closed doors of her past to empty the rooms behind.
But it's enough for today and Amy feels a little uncomfortable. It almost feels like she is about to get a panic attack or become seriously depressed.. Opening those doors to the past also means she has to process the emotions that developed over time.

Meanwhile at the guild..
"Aaah, it's so busy in here. And the request board is about empty!" Levy complains.
"Don't worry Levy, I am sure you guys can go on a job soon." Lucy tries to comfort her.
"Will you just let me read your novel? I haven't read anything fresh lately." Levy pouts as she spoke with an exaggerated tone.
"I told you before, you'll read it when I am finished."
They go on and on like that. Until a certain moment.
"Why don't we go and visit Amy? I bet she could use some company." Levy stands up with a bright smile.
"Yeah, okay. Let's go then." Lucy replied.
"I wanna come too!" Natsu shouted overhearing what the girls were discussing.
"No Natsu, boys aren't allowed in to the Fairy dorm, remember?"
"Then lend me your skirt or something!" Natsu replies boldly.
"And one of your lacy bra's!" Happy added.
Just like that, Natsu grabs the edge of Lucy's skirt.
"No Natsu! You're not coming with us!" Lucy almost literally kicked Natsu away. Him being who he is, is now pouting whilst crouching down with his back towards Lucy.
"You're a meanie!"

While Gray makes fun of Natsu not being allowed to come along, Levy invited Juvia to join the girls too.
While the girls are headed for the dormitory, Amy just stepped out of her bathroom wrapped in towels. She sits down on her bed and stares at her closet. 'Everything is worn-out or out of size..' She thinks as the staring continues. Basically the only clothes she can wear are the ones she recently bought in Era.

"Amy! Are you home?" A female voice suddenly asks and the sound of knocking follows.
"Who is it?" Amy asks carefully.
"It's me, Levy. And Juvia and Lucy are here too." Levy answered.
"Hold on, I need to get dressed." Amy slightly panics.
'Fuck, now I have to throw something on..'
She quickly grabs random clothes from her closet. Weirdly enough, it doesn't look too bad. Amy then opens her door a bit and indeed sees the three girls smiling at her.
"What's going on?" Amy asked nervously.
"Well, I was wondering if you might want to hang out with us. Do some shopping maybe.." Levy explains whilst smiling nervously.
"After yesterday, we'd really want to get to know you better." Juvia adds in.
"But why..?" Amy asked, silencing the three girls.

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