"Hey do you wanna die?" Escorpion asked.

"Shit." Warren swore under her breath before shouting, "Let's go! Go! Go! Go!"

They all rushed for the hatch and the ladder under it, Bailey waited at the bottom in the pitch black for 10K as the Zeros scaling the building covered them. However, when they all had reached the bottom the lights turned on and they were surrounded by more Zeros all aiming their weapons at them.

"In the name of La Reina de los Muertos, Queen of the Zeros Cartel. I strongly suggest you lower your weapons." Escorpion said his gun on them too.

"Like the Z-weed Zeros?" Murphy asked.

"That would be us."

"Then I believe you are looking for me." Murphy said stepping forward, "I am The Murphy."

"This man is our prisoner." Warren said with her gun still raised, Bailey watched her from her place behind Warren but in front of 10K who had his back to her and was aiming at the Zeros behind them, "That CDC bounty is ours. If you try to take him away from us, I will blow his brains out." Warren continued as she turned her gun on Murphy.

"Warren if you kill Murphy we lose our only leverage and then they'll kill us anyway." Bailey said stepping forward and whispering urgently in Warren's ear but their leader was grasping at straws and ignored Bailey's words.

"El Murfi isn't worth a damn if he's dead. Now, Back! Off!" Warren demanded.

"Just want to make sure he's the real Murphy." Escorpion said calmly.

Murphy scoffed, "You want to see the scars?" he asked.

"I do." Escorpion nodded.

"Not until you lower your weapons." Warren said.

"Put them down." Escorpion ordered his men, then Murphy took off his jacket and shirt, "It is true then. If you lower your weapons you have my word you will be safe." Escorpion said and saw them all hesitate, "Look. If I wanted you dead, we'd have left you out with the zombies. But La Reina is looking for you. She will give you the reward."

"Remember the mission." Murphy told Warren, then she nodded to the rest of them to lower their weapons. Satisfied, Escorpion led them through the tunnels as 10K took Bailey's hand.

"What is that smell?" Addy asked.

"The future." Escorpion replied, "We've found out a way to pay for the new world. We no longer have enemies, we have resources."

"So you just leave your resources down here to rot?" Warren asked as Escorpion banged on a metal dome and they heard zombies snarling inside.

"We let them compost. Composting creates heat. Heat creates energy."

"Zombies for fuel. Clever." Doc said as they moved on and came to another door. Escorpion opened it revealing a lush green field.

"What's this?" Warren asked skeptical.

"The future." Escorpion answered as they stepped outside, suddenly surrounded by trees, grass and ivy. It reminded Bailey of a dream she'd once had, about the world becoming normal again, she thought it'd just been a dream but this, what the Zeros had built, it was real.

"Welcome to Mexico. It's a great privilege for you to see this place. I bet now you're glad we dug tunnels underneath the border aren't you?" Escorpion said as he led them through the Eden.

"Unbelievable." Warren said in shock.

"We've been tracking you for a while. Every time there's some crazy bullshit going on it's you people. It's not hard to follow you. What's hard is guessing what you're going to do next. Lucky for you one of our drones spotted you shortly before a zombie knocked it out of the air." Escorpion said as they walked through the greenery.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now