Addy smiled back at her the look in her eyes saying 'Awww.' Luckily she didn't say it out loud because 10K, who had been talking to Warren and Doc, was now making his way over to them with a bandana in each hand, he was holding the corners keeping them shut in little bundles as he walked over to the pair.

"Hey." He greeted them as he turned to Addy, "They're dividing up the last of the food for dinner." He told her before turning to Bailey and passing her one of the bundles he held, "I got your ration for you." He said with a smile. She smiled back as she took it and thanked him giving him a kiss on the cheek. Once everyone else had gotten their food they all sat down and ate, when the last of their meal was gone they made a watch schedule and went to sleep. Warren took the first watch and 10K shuffled a sleeping bag next to Bailey as he laid on top of it. Bailey appreciated the warmth of 10K lying beside her as they snuggled but when the morning came the heat became too much and she wasn't the only one feeling it. 

They all woke up smelling smoke and quickly realized the forest had caught fire sometime in the night. The sun was already rising and with the sunlight in addition to the flames the forest looked red as they quickly gathered their things and moved out. They couldn't tell where the fire had started and Bailey was pretty sure they were going in the wrong direction as the smoke became thicker and they had to cover their faces to help them breathe. Things only got worse when they heard the snarling of the dead.

The reddish tint to their surroundings and the fogginess from the smoke only made things more difficult as the Z's charged through the forest and their group was quickly broken apart. Addy and Bailey were fighting back to back, their fighting style mastered as they moved in perfect sync. Bailey had removed 10K's red bandana from her head and had tied it so it covered her nose and mouth to help keep the smoke from her lungs, the long shawl Addy had was now wrapped around the bottom half of her face several times for the same purpose.

"Warren!" Addy shouted after pulling the shawl down trying to locate the others in the burning forest.  Bailey tapped her on the shoulder as she saw a figure in the distance swinging a weapon and making a Z's head explode in a puff of embers and ash – Warren. They ran in that direction, Bailey only stopped once when she saw Doc behind a tree with his crowbar, his flannel shirt was now wrapped around his head like a messy turban as he turned and piked a Z from around the tree. A bit further off she was just able to make out 10K with his long rifle in his hands as he leapt between two trees and perched on a boulder, bringing his scope up to his eye as he started shooting. He had a spare black bandana around his nose and mouth as well as he fired and took down four zombies with only three bullets, the last one ricocheting off the medallion around Doc's neck that he'd gotten from Kuruk.

"Four!" Doc shouted through his shirt.

"Murphy!" 10K called back pulling the bandana away from his face as he waved them over to where their mission had gone. Doc followed 10K and Bailey went to follow him looking over her shoulder and seeing Addy, Warren and Vasquez following behind. They all ran up a hill where the forest thinned out and they saw a building appear in the smoke.

"It looks like a hotel." Warren said pulling down her white bandana.

"I thought we killed all these Z's last week." Doc groaned.

"Maybe the Grand Canyon filled up." Addy said sarcastically.

"Not funny." Murphy mumbled.

"Wasn't kidding." Addy snapped back as Bailey brought a hand up over her bandana to try and ventilate more of the air she breathed in as Murphy coughed. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to 10K who had pulled his bandana back over his face so only his eyes were showing, the clear green now filled with concern, she nodded, silently telling him she was okay as they made their way for the hotel.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now