"Something's wrong." Murphy said as the thing turned to them and lumbered forward as the others began to fire.

"No, don't shoot him!" Bernadette cried but they ignored her. However their bullets just ricocheted off its armor so 10K stepped forward, Bailey moving with him, as he looked through his scope and shot the creature through the glass over its eye as it fell over dead.

"You killed him!" Bernadette shouted moving forward.

"Stay back!" Warren said moving forward and tugging on her arm "Stay back. I'm not sure what we killed." She moved forward cautiously, the rest following and crowding around the thing, 10K held his gun ready to fire again. Then there was a beeping and Warren shouted, "Get down!"

They all took cover as the bomb went off and there was a squelch sound. They turned back to see nothing but a pool of blood mixed with some green slime and chunks of flesh.

"Next apocalypse I'm wearing a paper jumpsuit." Doc said grossed out.

"What is it?" Vasquez asked looking at what remained of the thing.

"Zombie guts? Alien blood? You're guess is as good as mine." Doc said still flicking blood off himself.

"Why did you kill him?" Bernadette asked horrified.

"Because that's what we do." Murphy said sounding partially disappointed partially not surprised.

"You can't kill what's not alive." 10K said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah he's right about that." Warren said backing him up, "Whatever that was, it died and turned zombie way before we got here. Come on, it's not safe here, let's go."

They kept going down the hall until they came to an open chamber with tall metal boxes, in the center was a table with a glowing rectangle above it.

"Warren! Look at this." Addy said in shock as they approached the table with the hologram.

"Now that's some sci-fi shit." Warren chuckled impressed as Addy walked over and poked it, making different icons move.

"It's interactive? Way cool!" Addy said eager to play with it.

"Alien?" Warren asked.

"Maybe." Addy said tapping around the screen, "Maybe not. Wait a minute. . It's a UNIX system. I know this."

"Really?" Warren asked.

"No, I went to art school." Addy replied smiling.

"Okay, well can you use it to contact Citizen Z?" Warren asked looking over her shoulder at the advanced technology.

"I can try." Addy replied, "At the risk of alerting whoever's on the other side."

"All right, well, Doc you stay here with Murphy while Addy tries to make contact, and uh, let's go." Warren said as they walked off.

"I'll stay too." Bailey offered and 10K stopped and looked back at her. "I'll be fine."

He stepped closer to her and said quietly, "I know but still. . . " he licked his lip nervously, "Just come with me."

"10K I'm no good out there." She said in a whisper, "Whatever these things are. . . they're just too creepy. I freeze up. I'll only be in your way."

"Bailey." He said getting even closer and resting his hand on her arm, "Even if you just stay behind me doing nothing. . . at least by my side I know you're alright. Otherwise I'll just be distracted wanting to rush back here and make sure you're okay. I need you. I need to know you're safe." He said and the deep concern in his eyes made her heart hurt at how much he cared. She turned and looked at Doc.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now