"Well?" Addy asked turning to Vasquez as he checked their gas tank.

"Two gallons, maybe three. . . " he said.

"If we get ten miles a gallon. . . " Warren said hopefully from the drivers seat looking at them over her shoulder.

"It'll get us halfway to Plainview." 10K said looking at the map as Doc returned alone.

"Hey where's Murphy?" Warren asked.

"He's right behind me." Doc said turning only to find no one there, "Damn it Murphy!" he yelled and they all grabbed their weapons out of the car and headed into the woods.

"How do you just lose Murphy?" Warren asked and Doc spread his arms, "What do you mean he was just behind you? Really?" she questioned.

They walked through the woods until they came to another road and decided to head into the nearest town.

"I'm gonna be really pissed if my last words are 'Murphy where are you?'" Addy said swinging her Z Whacker as she walked beside Warren.

"We may as well be saying 'here we are zombies. Come and get us." Doc said from next to Bailey.

"Murphy better hope he's not around when I reach 9,999." Bailey heard 10K say from behind her and she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.

"Easy, kid. We got to find him first." Vasquez reminded the sniper.

"Well I think it's somewhere around here." Doc said looking at the trees, "Oh and don't eat the bark off them skinny trees. Starts out tangy then goes south in a hurry. . . oh, maybe it was over here."


They first came across a few houses in a neighborhood on the outskirts of the town and fanned out to check those. They banged on doors and shouted but got no reply and no sign of Murphy trying to run from them so they kept looking.

"Murphy!" Doc yelled.

"Ghost town." Addy said coming out of a house.

"Nothing but quiet." 10K said looking down the street for any sign of life.

"Nothing. No one here." Vasquez said as he and Warren exited another house.

"Without Murphy there's no mission, keep moving." Warren said as they moved on.

"For as important as this guy is, we sure lose him a lot." Vasquez commented as they headed deeper into town. Vasquez and Warren took the next house while 10K stood back with his eye through the scope of his rifle ready to fire at anything that might jump out at them while Doc, Addy and Bailey took the next house.

"Heads up!" Addy shouted as Doc swung his crowbar at a charging zombie.

"Nobody's here." Doc said and they moved down the block to the next house. Doc went to the front door and turned to them.

"Okay, we're gonna go on three. One two –"

But Addy kicked the door open and a Z ran out grabbing Doc and tackling him, as they fell Addy got the zombie in the head with her bat.

"I said on three!" Doc said from below the dead body.

"If we do a three count at every house we're gonna be here all day." Addy said as Bailey turned and saw another Z in the house run at Addy who had her back turned.

"He had a friend!" Bailey shouted turning and chopping the top of his skull off as he ran at her making the body fall to the porch.


Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora