Bailey looked at 10K for a while hating everything she'd put him through. She'd never thought all that would have been going through his head. She'd been too embarrassed to talk about it but she never thought he'd interpret that as regret. She looked at the brown patches on his skin, the only remaining trace that he'd ever been infected with anthrax and she was reminded of how close she came to losing him. She brought her hands up to grab the front of his sleeveless jacket as he looked at her, the look in his eyes was so vulnerable and he kept licking his lip nervously, which she thought was cute.

"It wasn't an apocalypse reason." She admitted with a small smile, then a grin slowly spread across his face as the meaning of a 'normal' reason sunk in.

"Really?" he asked sounding a little surprised.

"Yeah." She said still smiling as she nodded then 10K leaned in and his lips crashed into hers, she moved her hands from his jacket to cup his face as she kissed him back and she felt him press her against the brick wall a bit harder as he took a step forward getting closer. She felt one of his hands go to the side of her head where his fingers wove into the loose strands of her hair. When they ran out of air he pulled back still grinning.

"If this doesn't mean we're together now I'm going to be pissed." He said with a chuckle touching his forehead to hers.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about." She said before she leaned into him and kissed him again letting herself feel everything she'd been too preoccupied to focus on the last time they'd kissed, the feel of their lips moving together, how he tasted, how he smelled, the small sounds he made, the feel of his hands now on her waist and how his fingers tightened their grip as their kissing went on and on. She committed it all to memory and was glad for once that negative voice in her head had chosen to stay quiet.


"I can't believe people used to wear these." Doc said gesturing to the hat on his head when Bailey and 10K had caught up to the group again in the woods. "I mean they're cool and all but what's the point?"

"Storage." Addy said half kidding.

"Can you imagine sitting in a theater behind someone wearing that? No wonder they shot Lincoln." Murphy said with a laugh getting a look from Doc, "What too soon?"

Bailey and 10K kept walking on, making it to a shack where only the wooden framework remained. There was a small picnic table nearby where Warren was laying out their supplies taking inventory. 10K grabbed some string and a few other random supplies as Bailey made her way over to Addy who had swapped her jacket for a scarf which she was tying around her body.

"Nice." Bailey said with a chuckle.

"Thanks, you think I have a chance at being a post apocalypse fashion model?" she said jokingly posing herself in a few different ways making Bailey laugh.

"Oh for sure." She said enjoying the normal moment they were having. Then she noticed the look Addy gave her, "What?"

"What took you and 10K so long to get back?" she asked raising an eyebrow slyly, clearly already in the know.

Bailey crossed her arms a bit uncomfortable, "What gave it away?"

"You look. . . happier." She shrugged, "Your eyes are brighter, your face seems a bit flushed, your lips keep curving up in this little smile I've never seen before."

She couldn't help but blush and look away as she thought back to the impromptu make out session she and 10K had fallen into making up for lost time, she could still perfectly recall the feel of his chapped – thought somehow still soft – lips as they moved against hers. She felt herself blush harder and looked for an excuse to get out of Addy's embarrassing gaze.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now