"I'm sorry." He said sounding even weaker then before if that was even possible, "I don't think I'll be able to keep that promise."

"Yes you can." She said leaning forward and bringing her hand to run her fingers through his hair again. "10K you're strong you can beat this." He gave a small smile before his eyes fluttered and he dozed off again.

Addy POV

When they got back to the farm after a long quiet drive they met Warren out front with the bad news.

"Anything?" she asked and both Addy and Vasquez shook their heads as a woman approached Jacob and whispered in his ear.

"Your man, you must come to him." Jacob said urgently.

"10K." Addy said as her vision went blurry and she fell over.

"Addy!" she heard Warren shout as Vasquez lifted her up and helped her into the barn with Serena.

Third Person POV

"Take it easy now, watch your step. Put her on the hay." Vasquez said as Warren helped him bring Addy inside.

"She's got it too?" Doc said as they laid her down, "How about you guys?"

"Standard military vaccine." Warren explained, "You inhaled that powder. How you feeling?"

"One hundred percent. Yeah, I'm totally fine. . .well eighty five percent. I'm old." He shrugged.

"You in the military Doc?" Vasquez asked.

"U. S. Navy. Subic Bay. Why?"

"You'd have been vaccinated." Vasquez said.

"Not for anthrax. Not back then." Warren spoke up leaning on the fence between stables.

"No, but for a whole boatload of other weird ass crap." Vasquez pointed out.

"I don't even want to know the weird ass crap I've got runnin' through my veins amigo." Doc said.

"Well it seems to be working." Vasquez said.

"It won't help Addy or 10K." Warren said hopelessly.

"This is bad. This is really bad." Doc muttered, "Hey, maybe we should, you know. . ."

"What?" Warren asked not understanding what he was trying to say.

"Dose 10K and Addy with some Murphy juice." Doc said quickly spitting the words out.

"No, no way." Warren refused.

"No man." Vasquez agreed.

"Well we gotta do something!" Doc said getting fed up that the kids he cared about were dropping like flies. And Bailey had been glued to 10K's side since he'd gotten ill, who knew how long it would be before she caught this damn thing too?

"The only thing that's going to help them is more Cipro." Warren said.

"Should we try another run?" Vasquez asked.

"They have Cipro here." Warren said quietly.

"Not enough." Vasquez muttered.

"No. Not enough for everybody." Warren said hating the suggestion she was about to make, "But enough for Addy and 10K to live."

"So we take from all of them. For two of ours?" Vasquez asked knowing that kind of thinking was something he'd come up with that Warren would shoot down.

"But we don't do that kind of thing, do we?" Doc asked, "Warren, they'll all die."

"They'll all die anyway." She told Doc then turned to Vasquez, "Like you said with the rationing, none of them will get enough Cipro to survive." She said though she was trying to convince herself as much as the others.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now