"10K, look, I want to believe they're coming back too." She began, "I'd love to see Bailey again, try to fix what I broke between us." She said pausing, "But if they said to leave. . . they know how this world works, they wouldn't have said to leave if they didn't mean –"

"Yeah." 10K said a bit sourly, "Sure. . . alright." He said throwing the strap of his rifle over his shoulder and hopping off the car. He looked a bit down and Addy looked out to the field hoping to see the same thing 10K had been hoping for.

Bailey POV

Colorado was very wide open land with few roads, at least where they ended up. When they finally reached a road they stopped to take a few sips of water before they saw someone coming their way. Warren drew her gun as Bailey pulled out her own. They watched the four wheeler get closer and the faces of the people on it became more familiar. Bailey couldn't help the grin that spread on her face and she saw Warren smile too. Mack pulled the ATV up to them before parking it and hopping off giving both Bailey and Warren each a hug, though his embrace with Bailey was longer having known her since the start and coming to love her like a sister, he was glad to have her back. Then from behind him Addy slowly walked over, her face was looking at the ground as she swung her Z Whacker back and forth gently then she looked up shyly to Bailey and gave a weak smile.

"Hey Bay." She said and Bailey took in her appearance, her long red hair had been pulled into a braid that wrapped around her head like a crown and she wore a light pink shirt dotted with flowers. Once Bailey noticed how long she'd been standing there staring at her she ran to Addy and gave her a hug. Addy dropped her bat and returned the gesture. As the two friends hugged it out Doc and 10K helped Warren with the supplies she'd gotten from the family in the cabin. 10K raised one of the large water jugs to his mouth taking deep sips after going so long without water, then he handed it to Doc who did the same.

"So any idea where Murphy went?" Mack asked after they'd all had their reunion and gotten everything packed up on the trailer that was attached to the ATV.

"Most likely the closest town." Warren said hopping in the trailer with Bailey, Addy, Doc and 10K.

"Cheyenne, Wyoming here we come." Bailey muttered looking at a sign as they passed.

"Hey," Warren called getting everyone's attention, "If anyone asks we were nowhere near Colorado."

Bailey couldn't help but give a small smile remembering when Garnett had said something similar about the Liberty Bell.


On the outskirts of Cheyenne were several shops, Addy suggested they stop and find new clothing since theirs was probably ruined by the fallout from the nuke. Bailey had a sneaking suspicion that the red head wanted her own change of clothes so she could fully put the whole Sisters of Mercy thing in the past. Warren agreed and they stopped at the nearest store to change. Inside was dark and musty but it would do. The windows were big enough to allow a decent amount of light in so they didn't need to use flashlights and there had only been a few Z's that they'd taken care of quickly. They split into two groups, the guys and the girls as they wandered through the racks for whatever caught their eye. Bailey looked down at her yellow leather jacket and noticed it was now turning a lighter brown color and as much as she hated to part with it, it looked like she had no choice but to leave it behind. She took it off and threw it away where it landed on a mannequin's head. She looked in a full length mirror and noticed that her dark grey tee shirt didn't look too bad especially considering everything it had been through. Although, it did have some serious pit stains as a result of either fighting Z's or running for her life. She found a changing room and stripped off the shirt and pulled out her knife. She sliced the sleeves off and threw the shirt back on seeing how it would look. It wasn't a bad job, the holes were a little bigger than the sleeves had been and revealed a sliver of her black bra but not too much. Satisfied, she left the changing room to do something about her pants. Unlike her tee shirt they'd been trashed, even though they were black and the blood stains didn't show the skinny jeans had still suffered. Wherever the blood had dried had left the material rough and scratchy, not only that but there was still a hole cut in the upper left thigh from when she'd been shot by Tobias' men and Moonshade had stitched her back up. Her pants were also missing the bottom half since she'd cut them back in Nebraska during the heat wave, the dehydration and the Zunami. She weaved through the racks and found a pair of tight khaki pants that would do nicely. The light color would no doubt show the blood stains she was about to get but there was a piece of her that didn't want to be stuck wearing black throughout the entire apocalypse so she shrugged and said what the hell and took the khaki pants. Her messenger bag – thankfully – looked like it could survive another three years of this hell on earth so she happily kept it. She threw the strap over her shoulder making sure she had everything as she headed to the door to meet the others.

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