Act. 101 Dreams

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Since coming to this century Princess Astra and Chibi Usa were inseparable. The two young rulers becoming even closer in Astra's darkest times. Earning a deep friendship that the two knew would remain. Though as night drew near the two Princesses stuffed themselves into their shared bed. Already dressed in pajamas the two Princesses were quick to drift into slumber, holding one another hand as they slept. Although tonight the dreams of Astra and Chibi Usa would be like no other. For Chibi Usa found herself descending slowly to what appeared to be a crystal clear pond. Her arms above her while lovely white feathers fluttered about almost as if snow were draping her soundings. Mesmerized by the sight Chibi Usa was unaware her her pajamas dissipating into white feathers and being replaced by her signature white gown. The very same she wore during her time as Princess.

Small Lady gasped as her bare feet touched the chilled surface of the lake. Now taking in her surroundings as the forest seemed to be made entirely of crystal. With the gentle rays of sunlight bouncing off its reflective surfaces casting a rainbow arch across the sky giving the forest an even more otherworldly appearence. Peering around the glimmering forest the young Princess spotted the figure of Astra herself. Her own body descending to the lake below. Astra's dark blue and gold embroider dress forming upon her. The appearance confusing Princess Astra who landed on the lakes surface,soon spotting Small Lady who waved at her friend. The two Princesses running to one another and embracing. While Astra wondered just where exactly they were, and why this felt so familiar to her.

But Astra's question was put on hold the moment she spotted a white winged horse in the distance. A rather large gold horn upon it's head while the lovely creature drank from the lake. Seeming almost unaware of the two Princesses. Slowly the horse rose it's head, turning it's attention to the two young girls. A small smile was fast upon the animal's face almost as if he was glad. But glad about what? The winged horse then made its way to the girls. It's long muzzle pressed against Small Lady's hand making her giggle while hugging the horse. Her smile never leaving her. While Astra continued to stare at the creature as it did her. Continuing to smile at Princess Astra while Small Lady eagerly jumped upon the horse's back. Gripping onto his sides tightly the winged horse began to gallop upon the translucent pool before taking off into the bright sky above. Dipping in and out of clouds to Small Lady's joy as her giggles continued.

Who was this winged horse? And why couldn't Astra shake the feeling of familiarity with the creature? Watching Small Lady enjoy herself Princess Astra found a place by the riverbank to settle down. Spreading her gown out around her, the Princess sat in silence. Her own reflection looking back at her, though the reflection changed. Twisted and turned within the river's surface to reveal the images of both Rhea and Helios. The two fated lovers smiling happily towards one another. Hands interlocked, though their smiles faded with the thoughts of their fate. This disturbed Astra who angrily hit the waters surface. Not wishing to be tormented by the memories and facts she knew were true. Unable to hide her anguish any longer Astra began to shed tears which fell into the river below. Her sobs soft and muffled by her hands, but Astra's cries were stopped by the appearence of the white horse once more.

Who, with Small Lady on its back nuzzled it's face to Astra's. The act of affection causing Astra's tears to cease their flow. That feeling of familiarity roaring in her ears, but she just couldn't quite place it. But it was there. The horse's gentleness for the first time making Astra smile through her tears. Which seemed to please the animal as he whinnied quite loudly making Small Lady smile. "Pegasus likes it when you smile Astra." Small Lady informed, the creatures name making Astra grow silent for a moment. Aware that she had heard that name before. Thinking that she would do some research on the name, Astra asked the creature why he was there. With that question Pegasus knelt it's horn down before Astra. The horn giving off a vibrant gold light which blinded the Princesses temporarily. Though in their minds fresh was an image of a dark haired Queen. One who laughed manically at the destruction of those around her. Her silver eyes haunting Astra and Small Lady to the core. Causing both of the girls to awaken from their dreams. Both girls screaming loudly into the night air. Sweat evident on Astra's brow as she held onto Chibi Usa. The Dark Queen's image heavy on her mind.

How the woman's silver orbs sent a shiver down Astra's spine. And reminded her of the very same vile Queen who had tricked her mother in the future. Nehelania. Ushering Chibi Usa to return to bed, Astra found herself on the balcony. Gazing at the wanning moon in the dark sky, now blocked by the large "Dead Moon Circus" tent that had planted itself in the center of town. Astra knew that I there somewhere her parents were waiting for her. And she would fight. She would do everything she could to save them from Nehelania. With the power of four soldiers that now slumbered deep within the "World of Dreams" and Elysion. Astra felt it in her soul that she was capable of greatness. That she could and would not only save her family but the world. After all she was the next generation of senshi. Just as Chibi Usa was the future soldier of the Moon. Astra would strive to be more in thw present. Stronger, smarter and able to fix her wrongs. For that was all she dreamed of.

Crystal of the HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora