Act. 74 Ones Enlightenment

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Ignoring the injuries given to her,Princess Rhea stood tall and regal as ever. Her raven locks cascading down her sides in gentle waves, and without any hesitation Rhea began to walk. Her dark blue and gold trimmed gown following her every move. Noticing the sudden movement of the princess,Uranus turned to see the vision of beauty walking towards none other than Sailor Neptune. Whom continued to lay on the ground. Her teal locks in disarray, hiding her sorrow filled gaze from view. But it mattered not what she looked like. At this moment to Rhea, Sailor Neptune was a fellow warrior. A friend in desperate need of guidance and overall love. And that was something that Rhea was more than willing to give. In truth she loved everyone including those Rhea did not know. To her all lives on earth and off were those Rhea was destined to protect now and in the future. Their wellbeing more important than her own. And Rhea was fine with that.

Now standing before the heartbroken senshi, Rhea cupped her hands around her chest. Calling fourth the divine power of the Golden Crystal. It was then that the holy object began to take form. Its amber light spewing from its very depths. Gripping onto the brilliantly glowing source of power, Rhea allowed its amber light to cascade down her body shortening her trademark dark blue dress. Leaving her dark blue gown which stopped mid thigh at the front,but in the back of the dress it flailed out into a lovely train behind her. White silk and dark blue embroidered gloves formed on her hands,along with dark blue gladiator heels. She closed her eyes as a single dark blue and amber gem formed at the center of her head,creating a lovely crown on her head.

Sailor Uranus stared towards the spot Princess Rhea once stood. Now fully recognizing that this was no longer the weak woman whom needed protection. No, she was now the one doing the protecting. Unable to take her eyes off of the illuminating soldier before her, Uranus hesitantly stepped forward. Daringly speaking to the new form Rhea had taken. Begging her to take pity of Neptune for her actions. Believing she was indeed about to be punished.

But Sailor Uranus needed not worry, for the glowing goddess before her held nothing but good intentions in her serene gaze. This form was ab it different from the one Uranus was use to. The form of Princess Sailor Constellation quite familiar. But not this one. It was true that the fuko of the warrior had not changed. Nor did her appearance. It was simply something about her aura. The air around the woman calm, almost warm. Causing the distraught Neptune to turn her gaze upward towards the smiling goddess. Unable to take her eyes off the smiling woman.

It was this moment that Neptune truly realized what Uranus saw in this woman. It was simply because she was unobtainable. Nor was it simply because of her eternal beauty which continued to radiate from her. No, it was much more than that. It was her heart. One filled with nothing but love towards all. Even if someone had betrayed her. Someone like Sailor Neptune herself, yet she held such a loving gaze. Almost as if the incident before had not occurred. With shaky breathes Sailor Neptune dared speak to the woman. Asking her just what or more infact who she truly was.

With those questions the woman couldn't help to crack a smile. Knowing that her appearance had infact confused the senshi before her. But it needent not be that way. " I am the Mother of Stars, in soul. But in body I remain Princess Rhea." She stated her voice gentle as her answer shocked the two senshi. Unprepared to meet the future of the stars herself. Brought to this squabble of hearts. My how ashamed Neptune felt as she tore her gaze from the Goddess. Stating she was unworthy of forgiveness or love.

Continuing to state she would rather be alone outside the solar system then to feel this pain. And to hear this Sailor Uranus couldn't help but to weep. The once strong warrior letting her guard down around the person she truly loved. Everyone else saw it, so then why didn't Uranus? "Please don't say that! Dont, dont leave me alone again!" Uranus cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. Showing Neptune that her words were infact true, yet they still ached. " Then if you don't want me to leave you, then why did you try to leave me?!" Neptune cried out her voice cracking in mid sentence as her tears continued to flow.

Alarming the heavely being before her, as with arms outstretched for Neptune. "The Mother of Stars" wrapped her arms around the tearfilled Neptune, her mere touch sending a sudden rush of calmness to Neptune. Which confused her greatly in truth she was still angry, she wanted to scream. To make Uranus feel the same pain she had felt in mere revenge. And yet....all those negative thoughts, emotions seemed to suddenly melt away due to the "Mother of Stars" touch. With her right hand the goddess tipped Neptune's head upward to face her. Their eyes never leaving once another.

"You have nothing to fear when it comes to love. All my children deserve love.  And you are no different Neptune." The Mother of Stars spoke, her voice more mature than the princess. Filled with wisdom and over all love for living things. And to this Neptune couldnt help but to sob crying out "How could you say that?! I attacked you! I'm a disgrace to you and your court!" And to this The Mother of State gently placed her hand on top of Neptune's teal locks. Breaking the soldier out of her self pity.

"What you've done in the past means nothing. We all makes mistakes Michiru, and I am no different." The Mother of Stars stated as she turned her cerulean gaze towards Uranus who quietly averted her gaze to the ground. "You two are both destined to be together. Just as I and my love. Simply love her for who she is, and she will do the same." The Mother of Stars said her words sinking into Neptune's very heart. Causing her to look upon Rhea in a whole new light. She truly wanted them to be happy. That was for sure.

And with a small smile which soon widened Neptune nodded towards The Mother of Stars. Seeing that no matter the trials she and her dear Haruka would be together. It was then that the Mother of Stars made her way over to the silent Uranus whom refused to meet her gaze. Yet even so the Mother of Stars knew her words would ring true. "Uranus...know that I love you all. But not in the way you seek. You've already given your heart to someone. You only need to embrace the one you truly love." The Mother of Stars whispered.

Her words hitting Uranus hard as the quiet soldier held back her sobs. Simply nodding towards the "Mother of Stars" before quickly walking towards Neptune whom smiled warmly towards Uranus,which brought the soldier an immense amount of joy and gratitude. For even though Uranus had made a mistake, her love. Her heart was willing to accept her once more. And welcome her home in her arms. Sailor Uranus then pulled Neptune into a gentle embrace, shedding tears of joy into her lovers neck. All the while Neptune held onto Uranus with a death grip. Shedding tears of happiness as well. The two apologizing to one another for their actions. And overall forgiving eachother for their flaws.

Seeing that all had been rectified,  the Mother of Stars quietly began to leave the premises. Allowing the two lovers their time alone. As of now their lives had been corrected, and now it for Rhea or Ritsuko's turn. Closing her eyes and sucking in a shallow breathe, the fuko which encased the soldier began to ravel away into hundreds of dark blue and gold ribbons before melting away into Ritsuko's trademark Mugen uniform. Releasing that breathe of hers Ritsuko placed a hand to her chest. Quietly thanking the Mother of Stars for her help, before once again feeling that mature presence leaving her body. For now only remained Ritsuko herself whom now had to deal with the consequences of her actions and those around her. And the first step in that was going home.

Sighing lightly Ritsuko began to quietly make her way through the streets of Tokyo. Knowing the conversation that would ensue once she returned home. She only hoped all would be well.

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