Act. 107 Dream of Hope

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Usagi Tsukino's could recall the sudden chill which filled her; the moment her "Dream Mirror" was shattered by Tiger's Eye. She felt the familiar cold sensation spread throughout her being, as her body landed with an audible thud on the ground below. The shards of her mirror scattered about Usagi's broken form. She felt how shallow her breathing became, and how her vision faded to bitter darkness before her. A single tear slid down Usagi's cheek, though she felt her body failing her. She was able to whisper into the air, a prayer of sorts into the air. One that was heard by none other than Mamoru Chiba. "M-Mamo." Usagi whispered in the air. Her voice causing Mamoru to tense up. Able to feel just how weak Usagi was. He ran unsure of how he knew where he was going. None the less Mamoru did do, the voice of his sweet Usagi beckoning him in the dim lit streets of Tokyo.
Turning the corner to a nearby park which was about 2 miles from the "Arcade". Bounding over the fence Mamoru immediately came to a stop upon seeing the fallen body of Usagi on the ground. His heart tightened in his chest as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Usako!" Mamoru sobbed,rushing to the fallen Usagi. Her eyes were that of glass, unfocused and hollow. Mamoru trembled, bringing the cold body of Usagi to his chest. He clutched onto her tightly, his tears pelting her face. Mamoru screamed into the night air, begging for someone to help. He sensed the loss of life within Usagi, and felt deep within his heart he knew the cause of it. The evidence was clear due to the scattered glass surrounding his love. Her dream, her undoubtedly beautiful dream had been shattered. Taken from Usagi. Sailor Moon; future ruler of the Silver Millennium. And his love. Endymion pressed his lips to Usagi's cool for head, his eyes upon his love. He would not lose her too. He had already lost his sister and continued to struggle with finding her once again. Mamoru refused to lose his love as well. Clinging onto Usagi's cold body, Mamoru began to invoke his own shard of the "Golden Crystal". This small shard enough to draw the attention of the "Dead Moon Circus". Intrigued by the sudden spike in energy.

With her sinister eyes watching the scene unfold from the darkness;Queen Nehelania witnessed a burst of gold light surround Mamoru. Outlining around him and the fallen Usagi in a circle before filling the air with it's might. This amber light was so similar to the one that had once smited Nehelania due to her wish to possess it. Her interest now fully intrigued as this light glimmered around Mamoru causing his normal attire to change to that of his armor from the past. His armor gleaming in the light of his own power which poured heavily from his chest. Blinking through his tears Prince Endymion called to the sky. He knew this was not the ending meant for his and Usagi, he believed that with all his might. It was then that a sudden noise sounded from the night sky, one that caused Nehelania to gasp in disbelief. As the winged horse;Pegasus appeared in the sky before her and the Prince. The horse slowly lowering itself to the ground to face Endymion. It's warm eyes familiar to Endymion as Pegasus stepped forward through the pillar of gold light.

Its own gold horn lowered towards Prince Endymion, silently wishing for him to touch it. When Endymion touched the horn, gold light poured from it in every direction. Sweeping Endymion and Usagi to a place beyond Queen Nehelania's reach. She hissed, noting to watch the human called Mamoru. While Prince Endymion opened his eyes to his surroundings completely changed. Yet still he held onto Usagi, who continued to slumber in a dreamless world. The Prince knowing if it wasn't for his shard of the Golden Crystal, she surely would have been lost to him. Pulling his beloved into his arms, Prince Endymion stood. The light of his shard still radiating, so much infact that Usagi's own appearence changed to that of Princess Serenity. Her lovely white gown sweeping the ground below. Yet still she did not awaken. Prince Endymion cursed himself, he was not strong enough to save her. To keep his beloved Princess from hard. Through his tears he continued to walk through the remnants of what seemed to be a temple. And like Pegasus, even this space was familiar to him. As was the once lush gardens which were now filled with bitter black blooms.

Prince Endymion pictured the walls of the temple littered in gold adornments. Torches which lit the long walkways which lead...lead where exactly? As Prince Endymion continued to venture deeper into the temple he came to a rather large clearing. And in this clearing lay the body of a suspended woman. One that caused the Prince's eyes to widen in disbelief. As the woman who lay in a suspended state in this forgotten temple was none other than his sister. Princess Rhea. He knew her anywhere; her cascading raven locks, her trademark dark blue gown which was quite tattered. Which confused Endymion greatly, drawing closer to Princess Rhea. He noticed a translucent crystal which seemed to be keeping her stable. Just like in the future. But was this not his sister? The very same that had been snatched by Sailor Saturn for crimes she had yet to commit? Or was this another?

"The answer is both; young Prince." Informed a voice causing Prince Endymion to turn; clutching onto Princess Serenity and his blade. Prepared to not only protect her but his sister as well. Though his blade was soon lowered upon seeing the faint form of Helios. "H-Helios? How are you here? Wherever here is?" Prince Endymion questioned as Helios smiled weakly towards his Prince. "I was the Guardian of Elysion long before Rhea came to be. A piece of my soul has forever been tethered here.  In Elysion; City of Dreams." Helios informed as Endymion shook his head not believing that this infact was Elysion. His home. The place where Princess Rhea would reign as Queen. No, not a world devoid of color and life. "This is the current state of Elysion due to the dreams destroyed by Nehelania." Helios began as he made his way over to Princess Rhea, whom continued to sleep in crystal. A gaping wound visible in her abdomen causing Prince Endymion's skin to crawl. This was his sister, her true body. Unlike his and the others her body was saved. But how? And yet she was still able to reincarnate? "Tell me everything." Prince Endymion demanded as Helios averted his gaze to the ground.

As some events were rather private between himself and his wife. Even so he spoke. He spoke of the Love Triangle between himself, Princess Rhea and Sailor Uranus. About the guilt that was forced upon Helios upon seeing Rhea's lifeless body. And how he along with Sailor Uranus and their remaining power; preserved the Princesses true body. In hope of reviving Princess Rhea fully, into the Sovereign that would sweep across the Universe with warmth and might. One that would cause a heir greatest enemy to tremble. "Here in Elysion both versions of the Princess sleeps. Both past and present. With time I can revive Rhea—" "And what will happen to you?" "I am mere shell without my little Star. I will gladly sacrifice myself for her life." Helios declared as he pressed his hand to the crystal where his love slept. "She would also be saddened to see her brother in sorrow as well Young Prince." Helios commented as he placed a hand upon Princess Serenity's shoulder. A sudden warmth spread through her as before Prince Endymion's very eyes; piece by piece her Dream Mirror was perfectly crafted and seeped back into it's holder.

Prince Endymion caught his beloved Princess who slowly opened her eyes. Though she soon smiled upon seeing Endymion and his heart was soon filled with joy. He held onto Princess Serenity who eyed their surroundings, her eyes soon softened upon coming across the crystal covered Rhea. "I knew you were safe." Serenity whispered as she thanked Helios for his help only to be interrupted by a voice. One that he, Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion had not heard for quite sometime. And yet they all recognized it, the pure gentleness as the silhouette of Ritsuko could be seen. Standing before her past self, she smiled and turned of her heels towards her brother, friend and lover. Ushering them to be strong, just for alittle while longer. With that she disspated from sight in gold embers before their very eyes. Her words of encouragement bringing hope into the hearts of all that truly needed it. With newly found hope, Helios also explained to Princess Serenity the situation. Who swore she as Sailor Moon would help in saving her friend. Causing Endymion to smile as his lovely future wife. Helios smiled as well, thanking the two before the amber light in Prince Endymion 's chest filled the area, blinding all as the two Royals were ripped from the "City of Dreams".

Which was not a moment too soon as Queen Nehelania had followed the source of power; and intended to destroy the remnants of Elysion if it meant her continued rule.

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