Act. 114 Eternal Senshi Might

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Two Soldiers stood before the malicious might that was Queen Nehelania; the enraged Queen daring to step from her place in the darkened sky. Once blinded by the brilliance of the two women whom stood before her. To those who knew no better; they would see merely two teenagers. But Nehelania knew all to well how formidable these two women could be. To such an extent that Nehelania herself had cursed the future "Mother of Stars" causing her near erasure from existence. And yet through the miracle of dreams along with the faith of her loved ones. Rhea had returned to this plane once more. No longer was she split between two entities. No. She knew who she was. And through her years of captivity within her nightmares; Rhea had finally grasped onto the light. Breaking free from her prison; and seeking to stop the one who wished to destroy beautiful dreams.

Eternal Sailor Constellation held her scepter out towards the trembling Queen Nehelania who spit Rhea's name into the night air. "Why do you keep getting in my way?!" Nehelania hissed as a gold aura began to surround the dark haired senshi. The air vibrating with the power of the gentle Queen. It was interesting the Nehelania as even with such a massive power source at her fingertips; she senses no animosity towards her. No. She sensed something else. Something that enraged the Queen even more at such an act. Pity. And her question was soon answered by the beautiful Eternal Sailor Constellation who drew her free hand to her scepter. Silently enjoying a warmth within her grasp, her cerulean orbs upon the gold eyed Nehelania as she spoke. "I feel sorry for you." Those words were perhaps worst than the sharpest blade. Nehelania released an irrational scream into the air which sent chills down Princess Astra's spine.

'Such anger. ' Princess Astra thought to herself as the very ground quaked beneath her feet. Gravely alarming Helios who bid his reliable steed to his side. The massive winged horse wrapping it's wings around Princess Astra protectively as Helios gazed upon his wife. Tears of joy streaming down his cheeks at the sight of Rhea. As beautiful and as powerful as he had ever seen her. And with Eternal Sailor Moon by her side; Helios was sure that the impossible would be possible. The two Goddesses would stand before the Queen of Nightmares and strike her down with the legendary Eternal power. A rank in power that a mere handful of senshi had obtained in the "Sailor Wars" from years ago. This was indeed a rare occasion. Two women blessed with Eternal planet power. Each with a desire to protect not only this planet but the entire Solar System from the clutches of darkness.

"Because she and I are the light that shine upon this planet. And we won't allow you to destroy the dreams of this planet!" Eternal Sailor Moon declared boldy. The future Queen of Crystal Tokyo standing proudly before her fellow solider. Determined to defend all from Nehelania. Even putting her very life on the line. This was nothing new to Sailor Moon for she had watched her allies fall countless times in the name of justice. And this was no different. Stretching her left hand out Infront of her, Eternal Sailor Moon closer her eyes. Gathering the energy of the Silver Crystal. Bidding it to change the form of her rod. Answering the warrior's plea the "Moon scepter" gave off a silver and amber glow before changing it's shape. Bearing the Silver Crystal atop of it now in full bloom. A gold crown beneath the crystal itself. The scepter glowed within the clutches of it's user. This act alone caused Nehelania to take a step back fearfully. Now aware of the terror she now faced.

The two Eternal Soldiers nodded towards one another before overlapping their scepters upon each other. Which began to emit a collection of silver and gold light which continued to bloom from their chests. "You can't do this! I am the ruler of the Moon! This is all mine!" Queen Nehelania roared, extending not only her strands of hair which whipped through the air; but her nails as well which aimed towards the two women. Without even moving a single inch, this assault was nullified by the gentle power of the two Queens. The attack merely causing Eternal Sailor Constellation to return her gaze to the deranged and pitiful Queen. One who had caused so much suffering. Her own suffering as well. Trapping Rhea in an eternal nightmare far longer than she could count. She had missed so much. Never once uniting with her current reincarnation. Though Ritsuko was indeed the Princess, she was a mere mirror. A fraction of the Golden Crystal's true identity. It's true bearer.

She knew this, Rhea had shed tears over this. Had sobbed over the tortuous role Helios had placed himself into. All for her. For her love. For their love. One that was forbidden and frowned upon. One who had aided in Rhea's full embrace of who she truly was. And the very same man who had cried over her broke body that terrible night in Elysion. She had felt his sorrow. A mixture of grief and shame. Shame of being a man unable to protect his love. Helios was indeed a priest but that was no excuse. He had fallen short. He had left his love, and in doing this she had been murdered by one who once called her friend. A single tear slithered down Rhea's right cheek as she called for Serenity's assistance. "This is the end for you. Queen of the Black Moon Circus. One who desired that which was not yours." Rhea began, her eyes never leaving the enraged Nehelania.

"We will continue to not only protect this planet but this entire Solar System from people like you, forever!" Eternal Sailor Moon declared, the Imperial Silver Crystal increasing it's blinding glow which seemed to cause the Golden Crystal to do the very same. " Eternal Moon Gorgeous!" "Eternal Dream—!" "Therapy Kiss!" The two women called out as a brilliant collection of silver and gold light pierced the Dark Queen in the shape of a heart which hollowed Nehelania's chest. The dark haired queen stared towards the ghastly wound in her chest which emitted a strange gold light which crawled up and down Nehelania's body. Turning the once beautiful queen's body to living stone. "No! No! No! My beauty!" Queen Nehelania screamed, crumbling to her knees as light began to break the darkness which draped across the sky. Upon the light finally breaching Queen Nehelania screamed in agony as her body began to crumble away. Her eyes wide in disbelief. Claiming that this was not over. That she would return. That her revenge would be even more twisted. To this Eternal Sailor Constellation left Sailor Moon's side. Casually walking towards the broken Queen, who's rageful gaze bore into that of the gentle Queen.

"And I will be here. No matter what you do I will not allow you to take this planet." Eternal Sailor Constellation declared as Nehelania hissed a final curse word towards the Golden Princess before her body was no more. Leaving nothing but a colorless dream mirror, where of course it was shattered. Taking hold of the Dream Mirror, Sailor Constellation released a sigh of relief before she herself was tackled to the ground by Princess Astra. Her beloved daughter. Tears streaming down her cheeks as she cried into her mother's arms. Clinging to her. Causing Rhea to smile warmly towards her daughter. Returning the embrace wholeheartedly, whispering that all was well. That Rhea was here, and she was not going anywhere. Ever again. To this Astra nodded into her mother's chest, though still refused to release her mother. And no one could blame her. Rhea then turned her attention to Endymion who smiled towards his sister. Tears in his eyes. Overfilled with joy of her return. That this was all over. Sailor Saturn was wrong. The future could be changed. And Prince Endymion believed they had done just that. The "Mother of Stars" would not fall to darkness. The Future would be a blissful place filled of laughter and joy. And most of all Rhea would be there. Her smile would forever be with him and all denizens of the future. This thought alone was enough to bring the Prince to happy tears.

Helios soon drew close to his wife and daughter, without any hesitation Rhea tugged Helios to her. Bringing her lover into her arms. Astra too held onto her father. The three sobbing in each other's arms while Rhea's court along with Serenity and the others couldn't help but to share in the joy and smiles. The horrible nightmare of the Black Moon Circus had finally come to an end. And nothing but beautiful dreams and hope would drape across the planet. Both Rhea and Serenity swore this. And they meant it.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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