Act 21. Tears

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Slowly the projection on the wall faded away in a dim gold light. Mamoru gripped onto Ritsuko's hands tightly,regret settling into his being. He regretted not allowing Rhea to live. To live the life she craved for so much with Helios. Despite Helios being his close friend. He knew he should have been happy for the two. Just as Rhea and Helios were pleased when Endymion declared his love to Serenity. Yet he couldn't give his sister the same respect and encouragement. He had betrayed her.

A single tear rolled down Mamoru's right cheek,as he bit his bottom lip fighting back on coming tears. " I am so sorry."He choked,his body visibly shaking before the senshi and his dear Usako. Usagi unable to watch Mamoru racked with so much pain wrapped her arms around him. Consoling him to the best of her ability all the while fighting her own tears. "Rhea never hated you Mamo Chan." She whispered to him,causing Mamoru to turn to Usagi in both shock and confusion.

Since Ritsuko had regained her memories of her past life,Mamoru was afraid of her remembering the terrible way he had treated her after her affair with Helios. He didn't want his little sister to hate him for his past mistakes, it was something he was always afraid of. And something he knew he would never be able to bear. "She didn't?" Mamoru asked,his voice filled with dread. Usagi nodded,nuzzling her face into her lovers neck.

"She could never hate you. Mamo Chan she loved you,and she still does." Usagi breathed as Mamoru released Ritsuko's hands,taking the time to wrap his arms around Usagi,bringing her into a tender embrace. As always being near Usagi filled him with so much joy and warmth it was almost abit overwhelming. "Thank you,Usako." He whispered to his darling Usagi causing Usagi to smile in happiness, blinking away her tears.

The senshi remained silent allowing their Prince and Princess to claim their moment together. But a single question plagued their thoughts to no end. And someone had to answer it. What happened to Helios? Makoto stepped forward unable to keep her mouth shut another moment. "When the Golden Kingdom was destroyed what happened to Helios?" She asked,while Mamoru shook his head not knowing the answer.

"I died before I could get to Rhea let alone Helios. Ritsuko told me that Helios had saved her before her own death, but even she doesn't know." Mamoru answered deep down wishing he knew where Helios was. And if he did he would find a way to bring him back to his dear sister. "Then...maybe Rhea's court would know." Ami pointed out as Rei crossed her arms sighing lightly." Yeah if we can find them."She stated as Usagi nodded towards her own court. "Then let's do it. Let's find Rhea's court, if we find them maybe we can find Helios." Usagi said as Mamoru nodded a feeling of determination settling within him.

No matter what Mamoru was determined to find Helios and apologize for what he had done. In truth Mamoru would do anything to make up for the things he had done. And anything to make Rhea happy. While elsewhere the despicable Queen Beryl knelt before a mass of negative energy which spread across the entire Dark Kingdom. Queen Beryl smirked as she offered energy to the massive being which seemed to come to life the more energy it was fed.

The massive energy slowly began to form its facial features before glowing towards Beryl. "This is it?" The energy mocked in an annoyed manner as Queen Beryl's head remained lowered. "Forgive me Queen Metalia it has been...difficult to acquire enough energy with the new senshi." Beryl informed as the massive amount of energy known as Metalia growled. "More excuses?" Queen Metalia asked as a mass of dark energy lashed out towards Beryl striking her.

Queen Beryl released a loud shriek as she gripped onto her staff. "I-It was the P-Princess of Earth! Rhea!" She cried as immediately the attack of her body ceased. Beryl's body slumped to the ground,continuing to be wracked with paim from the previous assault. "So she's returned at last." Queen Metalia commented with a smirk her eyes now glued to the trembling Beryl. "It seems we will have another chance at obtaining her power as well." She stated as Beryl hearing the word "power" struggled to look at the Grand Ruler. "P-power?" She asked as Queen Metalia smirked"It matters not,but j want that girl. And I have a plan. The girl is strong especially at heart and we must prey on her heart." Metalia informed Beryl who began to recover from the attack.

"How do we prey on her heart?" Beryl questioned as behind her 4 grotesque human sized tubes stood. With 4 women within them who appeared to be in a deep sleep. "We kill her with pieces of her own heart." Queen Metalia stated cackling loudly along with Beryl. She knew as the battles continued it was going to be very very interesting.

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